Chapter 11- Marriage And Alcohol

Start from the beginning

"Don't even worry about it." I smile, pulling away.

"Okay girls, lets get ready." Macy smiles, her daughter and the twins running to their chairs to begin getting ready.

I spend the next hour and a half chatting with Diane, Brads mom and watching the girls. I can tell already their having fun. I wish they could've been there for my big day. 

"So what do you think of this wedding?" I ask Brad's mom next to me.

"To be honest," She sighs, pausing. "I don't really know. It's all so fast and... He was supposed to be with you forever." 
"I agree." I sigh, crossing my arms across my chest.

When their all finished they go out to rehearsals while I sit in the hallway waiting for them. I get up from the bench and begin to walk around the place. It's actually really nice. Even some famous people have recognized it. I must've walked the whole building because by the time I'm done everyone has started to arrive. I wait for Josh by the doors and when he finally comes we go in together. We pick a spot close to the front so I can see the girls and take pictures. The place is decorated beautiful. I hate to say it but she did a good job. After 10 minutes of waiting the music begins playing and the flower girls come down the aisle. Kacey and Jill look so happy. I look at Brad and see a smile on his face. I know this means a lot to him too, having the girls there. Finally, it's Macy's turn to come down. We all stand as we watch her come down. I see some people crying while others are whispering to themselves. One little girl fell asleep in her dads arms. Finally she reaches the front and she stands in front of Brad. The minister begins. He reads some stuff and then he gets to the part I dreaded the day of the wedding.

"Are there any objections to this couples marriage? If so speak now."

Macy looks around the room and no one stands or says anything. Macy looks at me and smiles. I smile back faintly before she looks away. That was not a smile of my approval. 

* * * *

 I didn't bother to stay for the supper part. It was too weird. I thought I could handle it but I couldn't. When I get home I decide to start packing a little. We've had the house on the market since we decided on moving and we already have offers on it. I'm still deciding what to do.

 I begin with the living room. The kitchen the girls room will be done last. They're the 2 rooms we need the longest. I spend until 11 in the night doing packing. I fall asleep before Josh even comes home.


(2 months Later)

New house, 6 months pregnant and have a healthy daughter. We moved into the house last month and the girls love it. Playing outside is their favorite thing to do. Of course the winter months are soon setting in but that won't stop them from going outside. I'm unpacking the last of the boxes today. The laundry room has to be unpacked and so does mine and Josh's bathroom. I don't why it took me so long to get to them. Josh is working today and the girls are with Brad. I have to pick them up a little later. I have a meeting tonight about what we're planning to do for the carnival but other than that I have a pretty boring day. Natasha is gone on a business meeting somewhere out of town so it isn't like I have much to do. I get up and go out to the storage room. I take out all the boxes containing things for the nursery. Maybe I could get started on this. I also shouldn't be doing heavy lifting but it's not like the boxes are too heavy. I lay them in the room and take the things out, staring at them. When the twins were first announced Brad and I did the nursery together. I did the walls and he did the furniture. It turned out perfect. I'm deep in thought when someone knocks on the door. I lay the picture frame in my hand down and go to the front door. I glance out the little side window and see Macy stood there with her daughter next to her. I open the door. She's around the same amount of months pregnant as me which is the weirdest thing until you remember Brad cheated on me.

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