You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 20

Start from the beginning

Paloma looked down and tugged her skirt down self consciously. This was definitely the most awkward moment I’d had this week. Or maybe year.

“Where were you?” Jack asked.

“The canteen. I was hungry. Duh.” Max answered, as if it were obvious.

I could see why him and Paloma were a perfect match, both of them always thought about their stomachs, and had a first love of food, seconded to each other of course.

“Well stop eating and start drumming.” Jake ordered, plugging his mic into a jack.

He rolled his eyes and chucked the bagel to, you guessed it, Paloma.

She crinkled her nose. “Ew. Gross.”

“It’s free food. Enjoy.” he grinned at her.

She smiled slightly. I could tell she loved it really, even if it was a soggy bagel with his saliva all over it. Though that was the least of her worries, she’d already exchanged quite a bit of saliva with him anyway.

So we sat and watched the band. Correction, I watched, Paloma ate the bagel and wouldn’t stop gawping at Max. I could tell he could tell he was being watched, he mucked up enough times.

“Alright. Let’s wrap it up there. Seriously Max, go get focused.” Jake taunted.

“Yeah, well.” he coughed awkwardly, pocketing his sticks and getting his jacket on.

I nudged Paloma. This was her prize opportunity, and if she missed it, she’d never touch him again. And then she’d complain about it for the rest of our lives. Great.

“Hey, uh, Max?” she asked, swallowing the bagel nervously.

“Yeah?” Max answered even more nervously. God, this was like pulling bloody teeth.

“This bagel was good.” she mumbled.

He gave a short laugh. “Glad you liked it.” he said, beginning to leave.

I literally face palmed. What was she playing at?!

“I’ll catch you guys later.” Max said.

“WAIT!” Paloma suddenly shouted out.

Everyone looked up startled then. “Uh, what?” Max asked, confusion crossing his face.

“I really have to talk to you. Outside.” she said, going slightly red.

Poor Max, he was about to die. “Oh, alright then.” he tried to shrug it off casually, but I could tell he was nervous as hell.

“Tabby, I’ll see you later. See you guys.” Paloma said, getting off the desk.

“You’re really gonna take that long?” I asked.

She gave me a look which meant ‘Shut up!’ and left with Max.

“Max was never any good with girls.” Matt said.

“And Paloma was always very quiet.” Jake commented.

I laughed. Sarcasm; always helping you out of awkward situations.

Well, most of them anyway.


“Tell me.” I said.

It was Friday afternoon, and surprisingly, Paloma had kept her mouth shut all this time about her most recent chat with Max.

She giggled. “Well, we’re going out tonight. So I would guess it was in the bag.” she said.

“Seriously?” I asked. I was shocked, I had to admit.

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