Chapter 19

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*Emma's POV*

Not that long after we were surrounded by the Dark Curse, we were all in the middle of a forest, but not just any forest. The Enchanted Forest.

I couldn't believe I was back here again, it seems like not to long ago me and Killian were here for the second time, now it's permanent. I look around at everyone, my mother has long black hair instead of short. My father in riding outfit, Killian in his pirate stuff, Regina all fancy in her evil queen garb, Henry in a commoners outfit, and my self in a simple gray dress and blue cloak, one of the outfits I wore my first time in the Enchanted Forest.  I was here. But the main problem comes back to me.

"No, no, no, I can't live here, I can't give birth here." I say worriedly.

"Emma please relax, we will help you." My mother says and Killian puts his arms around me.

"It will be alright love." He says reassuringly.

"Let's go to the castle." I say.

"I thought it was destroyed." My father says.

"I can fix that.

Everybody takes their separate ways. Belle, Robin, and Roland, go to her castle along with Regina. While my parents, Neal, Henry, Killian, and I head to my parents castle. The walk is brutal for me, we had to stop every fifteen minutes so I could take a break, my feet were killing me. By the time we get there it was almost dark, I must do what I need to do quick.

"How are you going to fix this mess Emma?" My mother asks.

"Like this." I say lifting up my hands, using magic to rebuild it. They all watch in awe as I bring piece by piece back into it's rightful spot.

"I didn't know magic could do stuff like that." Henry says.

"Neither did I, but it can." I reply.

"Oh, I can't wait to show you guys around!" My mother says excitedly. She grabs as many arms as she can and drags us all into the castle.

After what seems like forever, she has given us a tour of every, nook, corner, and painting in the entire place, which turns out to be a lot. She also assigns everyone a room.

Killian and I are practically shoved into one. It was fairly large. It had a queen size bed and a ginormous closet. There was a gold acrylic design covering the walls. The sheets of the bed were a deep purple. But my favorite part was the balcony that looked strait out to the ocean.

"Woah." I say, "I hope you like purple." I say making Killian laugh.

"That's the least of my worries right now." He replies to my little joke.

"My mother is probably going to throw a huge wedding for us now."

"Hey it might not be so bad, love."

"Just wait. I still want simple no matter where we are." I say walking over to the balcony. I open the glass doors breathing in the fresh salty air. I look down to a surprise. "Killian look!" I say pointing down to the water. He walks over. "Your ship."

"I thought I had lost it again." He says with a sigh of relief.

"Let's go sailing tomorrow morning." I say.

"Of course, love."

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