Chapter 9

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*Emma's POV*

The room is dim, I can't see anything, but a barely visible flame in the distance.

"Emma help me!" I hear Killian yell.

"K-killian...Killian where are you!" I start yelling as there are tears threatening to fall.

"Mom! Help me." I now hear Henry's voice say.

"Henry, Killian!! Where are you!" I yell again and this time the tears falling over my cheeks.

More fire starts lighting up around the room. Then I can see my two boys in the center of the room, surrounded by the fire. Behind them stands Cornelius, holding two ropes. The ropes leading around both of their necks.

"Choose," He says in his raspy voice that always gives me the crawls.

I look at both my boys,each of them having a pleading look in their eye. I cannot choose I can't bare to loose anyone of them.

"Choose." He says again.



Instead of choosing I break down in tears falling to the floor. Covering my ears I let out screams of pain.


I wake up screaming and crying, it was just a dream.

"Mom?" I hear Henry say. He walks over to my bed and when I see his face I break down into tars holding out my arms so I can really touch him. As he walks straight into my arms I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Emma? Are you okay?" I hear my mother ask.

Through my cries I shake my head west to east, meaning, no I am not okay. My mother runs back down the stairs I hear a phones buttons beep as if she is calling someone, but soon after all I can hear is Cornelius' voice saying 'choose' over and over again. My cries then turn into wails of pain. He is messing with my head. I can faintly make out the sound of the apartment door opening and closing, then the echo of footsteps coming up the stairs. I keep my eyes shut, in case it is something bad, but I feel arms lift me up, and then back down onto somebody's lap. I open my eyes to Killian's His face full of worry. My wails of pain turn back into the cries, and then to a faint sobbing when I realize he is real.

"It's okay, it's just a nightmare." He coos into my ear.

"But it wasn't." I manage to say.

"Then what was it love?"

"Cornelius, he was controlling it I know it. He told me to choose you or Henry, he was going to kill one of you."

"But me and Henry are right here Emma, I won't let him hurt you again." He says, but I just nod saying 'okay' or 'your right' but I really don't.

He is in control now.


I love this video. All credit goes out to the person who made it.

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