Chapter 22

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*Emma's POV*

"I don't want to do this."

"Why not?" He asks.

"I don't want to present my kids to the kingdom like The Lion King."

"What's that?"

"Never mind." Henry came up from behind me all dressed up.

"Why do I have to do this too?" He asks.

"Because, when a royal is born you have to present them in from of the kingdom, and you never got that chance." I say in my mothers words, she said that to Henry when she decided to do this.

"Stop complaining guys, the Queen won't stop until its over with."

"Fine." Henry and I say in unison. My mother signals us up on stage to stand next to her. I Carry Leia and Killian caries Liam. Liam reminds Killian of is brother. If you can't find Killian, go look in the nursery. Wherever the twins are he is there. Whenever someone else has them, he hunts them down until they are back in his arms. He loves them more than anything.

"The young man standing next to me today, was born not in this world. But he has believed in it. He is a prince, but never got the chance to be recognized for it. Here is Prince Henry Mills." She pauses Henry walks off stage. "And for our newest members, the twins. Prince Liam and Princess Leia." Everyone claps and I give phony smiles as I walk off stage.


"I'm going to bed, mom" Henry says after the ball.

"Okay, kid. Love you."

"Love you too." He says as he enters his room.

Killian follows close behind me as we head to our room. He carries the twins. When we make it to our room Killian places the twins in their crib and I open the door to the balcony, looking out to the ocean.


"Yes, love?"

"The longer I stay here I realize I don't belong. I am not a princess. I never have been. This place isn't home, Killian."

"Then what's home love?"


Finding You {UNDER EDITING}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin