Chapter 10

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*Emma's POV*

I am the only one awake after the events that occurred last night. Killina lays next to me asleep, after he spent most of the night trying to calm me down. The knock on the door startles me, so I get up to go get it. I pick up Killian's arm which was draped over my waist, then I quietly walk down the stairs trying not to wake anyone up. I open the door to find Grumpy, again.

"Why is it always you?" I ask sounding annoyed.

"What? Anyways I didn't come down here to chit chat, I just wanted to say that it has been three days since that Cornmeal guy has taken a soul of somebody."

"You seriously came down here just to tell me that. I need to know that because....?"

"He might have given up."

"Cornelius doesn't just give up."

Or has he?

~4 Months Later~

My baby bump now visible, everyone has limited me from looking for Cornelius. Yes, it has been 4 months since he has done anything, and everyone thinks that he has given up, but he is plotting something big. My parents have gone to ask people if they've seen or heard anything, Henry is at Regina's helping with Operation Mongoose, Killian, Killian is off being Killian, and I'm stuck here in a small apartment babysitting Neal.

I stand at the coffee machine, waiting for it to finish brewing. I am exhausted but I can't sleep because of the nightmares. I only sleep, until they come. All of a sudden the door flies open and I am about to scream when I realize it's just Killian.

"God, you scared me!" I say.

"Sorry, love. Did you think I was Cornelius?"

"No...You just startled me." Denying that I did actually think he was Cornelius. I then pour my finished coffee into a mug. "Want some?" I ask him.

"No thanks, I got rum."

"Aww, I want rum."

"Not until after the baby."

I give a fake pout face, but he just laughs.

"You, me dinner tonight, it's been a while since you've been out." He says not long after.

"That's if my parents let me, they hardly let me out of their sight because of Cornelius."

"Well then, I will assure your parents that you are in good hands for tonight."

"Ha ha, good hands" I say making a hook joke.

"Very funny, Swan. I'll see you tonight then."

"Yes." I say as I kiss him, and then he heads out the door.

I sit down on the couch with my coffee. Sipping it slowly, I can feel the warm liquid slipping down my throat. My mom says not to much, but I need something to keep me away from all the nightmares. The morning turning into afternoon, and the afternoon turning into late afternoon, I decide to get ready for my little date with Killian. Looking through my closet I find a red dress that is made out of this streatchy material, and it fits over my stomach nicely. I make my makeup as natural as possible, and I leave my hair in its nice long blonde curls. Slipping on some nice flats I hear a knock on the door and I find my pirate dressed nicely in front of me.

"You look lovely, Swan."

"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself."

We smile at each other for a while before we decide to take off, to wherever Killian was taking me. Granny came over to watch the baby while everyone was gone so we we're ready to go.

We arrive at the beach where I find a romantic picnic set up,

"Oh, Killian!"

"Something nice for the savior's day off."

We eat a really nice dinner, and Killian being nice didn't bring any alcoholic dinks. We eat and watch the night sky as it goes dark. Sitting in scilence.

"Emma?" Killian asks and I turn around to face him.

"Yes?" I reply, but I go silent when he pulls something out of his pocket.

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