Chapter 5

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*Killian's POV*

Emma looked at me as if she had a plan. I just stood there and nodded my head saying go ahead, but that was the biggest mistake of my life. I trust Emma, she is strong, independent, and can figure things out on her own. But I can't let that get in my way of protecting her.

Its been eight hours and she hasn't returned.

I sit at Granny's with Henry, both of us drowning out sorrows in food.

"Where's my mom? Who was that man? Is she going to be alright? Will-" Henry starts but I cut him off.

"Slow down lad, one question at a time please."

"Who was that man Killian?"

"He was the man in the Enchanted Forest, who took your mother and almost forced her to marry him. He's a villain."

"Is he going to hurt her?"

"I dont know Henry, but your mother is a strong person. She will be okay."

"You promise?"

"I promise my life." I reply to him giving him a sorrowful look. He then hugs me. I return the hug because he may have just lost a mother.

All of a sudden the diner door opens and closes very loudly.

"Where's Miss Swan?" It's Regina.

"We don't know she turned herself into the man with the blue cloak." Henry says.

"Well the man in the blue cloak has just struck again, and this time it's Sleepy. Not that, that made a difference."

"Now is not the time to make jokes about dwarfs. We need to find Emma and bring down Cornelius."

"Wait Cornelius, King of the Western Enchanted Forest is the man in the blue cloak? That weak bitch definitely brought up his game."

"You know him? Henry asks.

"I may have helped him kill a whole line of royalty so he could rule. Anyways does anyone know why he has Miss Swan?"

"That's a story I don't want to tell right now, so excuse me while I get a drink." I say sort of angrily. I can speak about my Swan, not now.

"Relax Hook, dont't need to know right this second." She pauses. "Now spill."

"I will make this quick. I traded my ship to Cornelius for a magic bean to get back to Emma. When me and Emma went back to the Enchanted Forest to retrive my ship, he took her and forced her to marry him. Anyways your the Evil Queen surly you can bring him down." I say.

"Again, can we please drop the 'E' word. And yeah, I can, but with the help of the Savior. Cornelus is more powerful then me, we are going to have to find her."

"But how?" Henry asks.

There was a pause between us all. Then all at once we say. "Locator spell."

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