Chapter 18

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*Emma's POV*

"What do you think Cornelius meant by there is more coming our way, since we defeated the beast?" Henry asks that night at dinner.

"He was just trying to scare us, nothing is going to happen Henry." I say as I stand up and pick up everyone's empty plates taking them to the sink.

"IT'S COMING!" We hear someone yell from outside our door. Henry opens it to reveal, surprise, Leroy/Grumpy.

"What now?!" I say angrily.

"It's coming." He says again out of breath.

"What is?!" I ask now annoyed.

"When you defeated that beast it triggered a Dark Curse, or it's undoing the Dark Curse."

"WHAT!" Everyone including me says in unison.

"Are you kidding me, there is something always going on in this place." I say, now really irritated.

"Emma," my mother says calmly, "If the Dark Curse brought us here, and it's being enacted again. That means we're being sent back."

"No." I say, tears building up, "I don't want to leave, not again."

There is a large crash outside. I run to the window, to the left a large cloud of purple fog is coating the town and it is coming straight towards us.

"He's right." I say walking back over to everyone.

My parents stand up grabbing Neal from his crib. Holding on tightly to each other. I grab Henry's shoulders, pulling him into an embrace. Killian puts his arms protectively around me and Henry. The darkness begins to surround us.

I should have listened with both ears instead of one. I was warned, but now it's too late.

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