Chapter 12

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*Emma's POV*

The next morning I sit at the sheriff's station, just pushing random buttons on my computer. Belle comes through the door within a matter of seconds.

"What's wrong now?" I say casually as soon as she reaches me.

"Rumple he is back along with another."


"I don't know some girl, she looks about your age maybe a little older, but I've never seen her."

"Well how did they get in?"

"Well, when I sent Rumple over the town line, I may have forgotten theat he had a spell like Regina's to get into town."

"I guess I'll have to go find them." I say almost disappionted, I rather be bored at the station doing nothing, than going out to find phyco people.

"Thank you so much, Emma." Belle says and she walks out, her tall heels clicking on the floor about drive me insane. I sit at my desk for a moment thinking about what to do. I decide to text everybody, which includes, my parents, Regina, and Killian about Mr. Gold and his friend. They all reply back saying they will be down at the station soon. But Regina poofs in the station a couple seconds later.

"Before anybody gets here, I want to talk to you about something first." She says.

"Okay, what is it?"

"That number you gave me, for Robin, I called it and Marian answered, but she really wasn't Marian."

"Then who was it?" I ask almost annoyed.


"What!? How!?" I say now concerned.

"When she 'died' she actually went back to the past with you and Hook. She killed Marian and took over her body when you weren't looking."

"Does Robin know?"

"No, tomorrow I am going to go get him and Roland."

"I'll go with you."

"No, you have the baby coming and-"

"The baby isn't due for like another 5 months!"

"But you need to stay here, since Rumple is back, and you don't know if Cornelius is going to strike again. Please Emma you need to stay."

"Is something wrong here?" A framilliar voice says, Killian.

"Yes everything is fine." I say almost annoyed.

"Emma, I know that voice, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, we will talk about it later."

My parents rush in not to long after.

"Okay, Regina, Killian, look around town. David and I will search the woods. Emma stay here." My mother says as soon as she walks in.

"No, I am coming with you guys." I say back.

"Emma, you have a baby on the way, it's too dangerous." She says.

"It isn't due for another 5 months, I will be fine! You can't limit me from doing everything." I yell.

"EMMA!" My father shouts.

"I am going to go get cocoa at Granny's. Have fun on your search." I say and I run out the door before anyone can say anythng else. I march all the way down to Granny's. When I open the door the little bell rings, and everyone looks in my direction. I ignore their needy looks, and take a seat at the counter.

"What would you like?" Granny asks walking up to me.

"I really want alcohol right now, but I can't. So the usual." She nods her head, disappearing into the kitchen and comes out moments later with my cocoa. "Thanks." I say as soon as she sets it down. Not long fter the bell of the door rings again, but I ignore it while everyone else looks. Someone taps my shoulder, I turn around to see Gold.

"Hello, Miss Swan, nice to see you again."

"I thought you would be hiding, you're not doing a great job at it."

"We are not hiding anything Miss Swan." He says motioning to himself and his new friend. She is tall with brown hair and brown eyes, she looks framilliar. I look down at her uncovored wrist, and there is a star shaped birthmark.


"I'm sorry do I know you?" She says, but I know she is pretending.

"It's Emma."

"Well I never though I would see you again. How are you liking fairytale land? I also see that you have been knocked up." She replies in a rude tone.

"Ladies, ladies, we're not here to tear each other into pieces." Gold butts in. "Now Emma, let's talk about a little deal."

"I would never make a deal with you." I spat at him.

"But, you might like this deal, just listen. We need 2 things from you, and if you give them to us we will help you defeat Cornelius." When he says Cornelius' name, I instantly start thinking, I might actually make a deal with him.

"Go on."

"Remember when you killed Maleficent for the potion that would save your boy-"

"That you took from me!?"

"Yes, that one! Anyways we need your help reserrecting her. And to do that we need to blood from the product of true love."

"Why should I agree?"

"Maleficent is my mother, your parents sent me through a portal with all your darkness so you would be good. And because of that, now your going to bring her back. That's my part of the deal, he still has his." Lilly says

"My parents would never do that."

"Well they did, so are you going to help us or not?" She says.

"I will." I say almost regreting my answer.

She holds out a bottle, I grab a butter knife off the counter and I slice my hand squeezing the blood into the bottle. When it is almost filled I heal my hand with magic.

"Now what's your side of the deal Gold?" I ask.

"What are their names?"


"Their names." He says pointing to my swelling stomach. "You see you are having twins, a boy, and a girl. Now what are their names." He says getting demanding. I think about it, I really haven't much thought for what I would name my child. But 2 names instantly come to mind. They mean something to both Killin and I.

"Liam and Leia."

Finding You {UNDER EDITING}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz