Chapter 14

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*Emma's POV*

Still ignoring my parents, I sit at a different booth from them at Granny's. I keep thinking of apologizing, but it's hard to because they did something that is unforgivable.

Lilly seems rather pleased though because she found her mother and I am suffering. Regina left two days ago to find Robin, and she should be back today. My parents try to talk to me but I ignore them, and Killian and Henry follow my every move like they're my shadow. You could say I am upset and lonely. But I feel that everyone is watching me,waiting for me to do something about the Cornelius crisis, but he hasn't been around for four months. I stare blankly at the wall waiting for something interesting to happen. Of course when I want something to happen, nothing ever does, but when I want it to stop it never does. 

My mother just gets up out of her seat and leaves the diner, without a word (not that I'm listening or anything). Being my curious self I slip out of the cushioned seat, and I follow her out the door. She continues on down the street, and I follow far behind so she doesn't see me. She stops at the docks, so I sneak behind a building for a second in case she turns around. When I peek out I see a familiar blue cloak standing over her, and she is bringing the goblet to her lips.

"MOM! NO!" I yell. I run as fast as I can without hurting myself over to her, but it's too late. Her mouth touches the lip of the goblet and you can see her legs go limp as she falls to the ground. Cornelius disappears. Leaving me with my mothers soulless body. "Mom?"I question as I go to my knees next to her. I burst into tears when she doesn't respond, or even breathe. "Mom-" I choke out, I am so sorry, I - I forgive you. You were trying to do what was best for me and- and I appreciate that. I promise I will bring you back. I'll be the hero you want me to be, don't worry I'll take care of Neal.Just please forgive me." I sob and I held her in my arms.

"EMMA!" I hear Killian yell.

"I have to put her somewhere safe." Is all I can worry about right now.

"We will, love, but there is something that you should know-"

"I AM NOT LEAVING HER." I yell, unable to control it. Then I sear David running towards us.

"Emma,-" He says out of breath. "Cornelius took five more souls- SNOW?!" He exclaims as he sees my mothers body in my lap.

"He has all eight souls now," I whisper.

"What about the beast that was supposed to come out?" Killian asks, but his question is answered when a loud roar comes from the middle of town.

"Get all the bodies to Regina's vault. I'm getting Gold, it's time for him to help me." I say leaving them standing there as I start sprinting towards the center of town. I get there and it's like everyone I needed was drawn to it. Gold stood by his shop and Regina stepped out of her car, they turned to look at me. I stand next to Regina.

"I am so glad I'm back." She says sarcastically.

"Where is Robin, Roland, and Zelena?" I ask.

"I dropped Robin and Roland off at my house. I left Zelena to rot in New York. Now Gold how do we defeat this hell beast?" Regina says looking at the creature, It was black and it had sharp wings and teeth.

"A magical sacrifice." Is all Gold says.

"That's like only the three of us. How did you figure this out anyways?" I ask.

"I said I would help you, so I had to do a little research. He says.

"You Research? PSH, your kidding right?" Regina asks.

"I will sacrifice myself, in the end there will be no more Dark One." 

"You can't do that." I say.

"I can. Belle, my love, her soul was taken by Cornelius' hand. this is how I will repay her for my cowardice and save her from a life time of evil."

All of a sudden a big breeze comes from over our heads. We look up to see clouds of darkness, and the beast is flying away.

"The sacrifice will return the souls, correct?" I ask, just wanting to save my mother.

"Yes, now just follow my lead." Gold says.

And that's when the screaming begins.

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