Chapter 7

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*Killian's POV*

I'm in a cave. Its dark but I can hear the ocean toward the barely visible light a the end of the cave.

"Killian help me!" I hear a familiar voice yell. I turn around

"Emma?" I run towards her and as I  am about to grab her arm, my arm goes right through her.

"Killian, I love you." She says as she falls over, into a death like sleep.

"Emma no!" I tel as I go down on my knees. I can now touch her. She tell breathes, sleeping curse.

I lean down so my lips can meet hers. When I pull away we still lays lifeless. I tried again and again but it still doesn't work.

I am not her true love.


I jolt awake from the horrific dream. Thank heavens it was just a dream. It was very similar to the one I had the other day on the Jolly Roger, when I lied to Emma that it was fine. It seems close to a message of some sort.

"Hook if you want to find your girlfriend, you're going to have to get up." Regina says as we knocks on the door.

"One second Regina!" I say trying to gather my thoughts, quick seems to be a great big pool of everything.

I get ready the I walk out to find Henry and Regina standing outside my hotel room.

"Okay, Henry brought something of Emma's so let's get this over with."

"Wait." I say before anyone can do anything. "I want to check someplace first." Referring to my dream.

"Very well." Regina says angrily. I then lead them down to the beach because I hard the ocean in my dream, also I know there is a cave down here.

"Why are you leading us here?" Henry asks.

"I keep having this dream of Emma calling for help in this cave, she falls under the sleeping curse and I can't wake her."

"Seems pretty phony to me. But go have your look pirate." Regina says.

I slowly walk in and Henry follows close behind me as Regina keeps watch outside. As me and Henry get farther into the cave my foot his something. Another foot. I look down to see Emma.

"Emma!" I yell as I go down on both knees, but as soon as I touch her a cloud of smoke appears song with Cornelius."

"Get my message now did you Hook? I knew it wouldn't be long until you found her." He says.

"You gave me those dreams!?"

"Well let me get to that part. You see, as soon as I got her here, I realized something was different. I mean just look at her radiant glow. Is thee anything you would like to share Hook?" He says dragging out the Hook.

"I don't know what your talking about." I snap back at him.

"How can you not know, its you fault. Yes it's still very early, but you know exactly what you did."

"Killian I am scared." I hear Henry say from behind me.

"I know lad but everything will be alright."

"Oh we don't have time for this." Cornelius says in disgust, "I'll say it for you Hook. Your dearest Emma is carrying child."

"It was just once."

"Sometimes once is all it takes." Cornelius says using Emma's own words. "You can have her, I have no use for her anymore. But I will tell you one last thing. YOU SHALL WATCH YOUR BELOVED STORYBROOKE CRUMBLE!" He says as he disappears.

I bend down to where Emma lies. "Henry call your grandparents and say we are bringing Emma home."

I lift Emma's limp body up. I carry her out of the cave. This time Henry walks in front of me.

"What took so long?" Regina asks once we get out.

"Cornelius." Is all I say.

"He just let you go?"

"Yes because she is no use to him anymore."


"Does she ever stop asking questions?" I say pointing at Regina, but the question going out to Henry. He just shrugs his shoulders and then blurts out the news.

"She's pregnant."

"Oh Hook, you had fun didn't you?" Regina asks with a grin.

"Eww mom." Henry says

"Sorry." she says holding her gloved hands up.

"Can we please not talk about this right now." I say starting to walk back up to the Charming's house. When we get there Henry knocks on the door and they open it with blank faces. I walk in and lay her down on the couch.

"Killian wake her up." Henry says.

"What if it doesn't work, and I loose both of them!" I blurt out but I then I regret my word choice.

"Both of them!?" David and Snow say at once.

"He... He.... Heh-" I laugh, in a non exciting way.

David then grabs me once again by my shirt collar and rams me against the wall.

"What do you mean by both of them Hook!?" Charming says evily.

"Well, um... You see child." I say stuttering on every word but saying the last part really quick.

Before I can blink he punches me in the face. Making my nose go bloody.

"Charming!" Snow scolds him.

He let's go of me, and Henry being a generous boy brings me a hand full of tissues. "Thanks lad." I say. He just nods his head.

"Will someone please wake her up already?" David asks.

I walk slower than a snail over to the couch where Emma lays. I am scared of what will happen. When I reach the couch I get down on my knees. I look at all her beautiful facial features before I lean down and touch my lips to hers. When I pull away, something magical happens, a big 'woosh' then, I see her sparkling green eyes open.

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