"Come on Syd. Please for me." She said with puppy eyes.

I grimaced. "Why are you impersonating a dead raccoon?"

"Shut up Pearson. You're coming and that's that." She hissed.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." I muttered and walked away.

I walked down to the laboratory. Kelly was sitting on a high chair, with her fingers rapidly tapping away at the computer keyboard. Her brown hair with auburn highlights fell loosely over her shoulders. Her lab coat was lily white and a tube top was neatly molded to her body. A black pants hugged her tone legs.

"Hey Kelly!"

She turned to me and smiled as her green eyes pierced through mines.

"How can I help you darling?" She asked with her southern accent rolling of her tongue.
She originally lived Tennessee, but she moved here five years ago. Her accent was still prominent.

"I need a bug. Not for me, but someone else. It need to be small and the person can't know." I explained briefly.

"Ohh. That's for that Scar chic."

I nod in agreement and she smiled. "I got just the thing for you Lumpkin."

We both walked to the back of the lab where all of the gadgets were situated. She picked a small gum-like bug. I eyed it curiously. "Just kiss her and it will disintegrate throughout her body allowing you to hear her conversations and see where and who is she speaking to." She explained.

"How is that even scientifically possible?" I asked.

"Its the material used. Small pixels were made edible." She explained.
"This will be the best one for you." She smiled.

"Thanks Kelly." I said and turned to leave the lab. I walked out of the precinct and decided to head straight to the office.

I knew I was over working myself but that's what keeps me sane. I needed all the paper work and all the cases to make myself feel worthy. For four years, its been working well for me. I never once needed a break and I wasn't going to ask for one. Even though the DA practically shoves multiple vacations my way, I politely decline.

I dont need any one to pity me. I love my jobs. I love being a lawyer and I love being a FBI agent. It makes me feel alive again, something I haven't felt in a while.

Maybe going to the party wouldn't be that bad.
I still had a date with Scar on Saturday while I might as well go to the party tomorrow night.

My thoughts remained on Scar. The woman was so full of it. I totally can't stand her. She was condescending and emotionless. Well quite like me, but I played it off.

She was so appalling and infuriating, I have to withdraw from shooting her every time I see her.

Her voice though pleasant and irresistible, I can't see how she got it. The song she sang melted tiny fragments of my walls. The kiss sparked so many emotions through me. Her lips were gentle and soft even when we were rough with each other. Yet I still cant tolerate the woman.

The evil within her heart rolls towards me like stumbling bricks. Even when I try to look past her hard demeanor, I still see only see her immoral deeds.

How can one kill so many people without even a second glance? When she kill, she laughs. She reacts to it as though it was the funniest thing she ever seen.

At one time I saw surveillance of her killing a dog because it crossed paths with her. She was ruthless and I will enjoy every minute of killing her. Though the question 'why is she not arrested and you have evidence' has been asked multiple times. The answer is simple. This is Scar Kenneth we are talking about. The woman has links in every part of the world. The day she is arrested, will be the day world war three will begin.

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