Chapter Thirty-Four

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I didn’t bother to move the moment I heard the room door slam. I sat on the couch, hugging my pillow patiently waiting to get yelled at. I know everyone may think it’s a mistake to make Keegan go home but I just want him to be safe. I love him with all my heart and it would kill me if something was to happen to him.

I brought him into my world even when I knew someone was after me. I knew I wasn’t going to live long but yet I let someone fall for me anyway. I was afraid of love and yet I let myself fall into it. I was afraid of losing someone yet someone is now going to be losing me. I am highly confident in my fighting skills but I mean is it enough?

I wasn’t sure if I was going to live past Saturday but I’m going to make sure Keegan does. I know in the end it will tear him apart but I have to do what’s right. I don’t want to lose anyone because of my selfishness. Maybe he can start over in another school in the states. I just hope everything turns out okay. I hope Keegan will be okay.

“It’s a little too late to be feeling regret don’t you think?” Keegan stated as he sat on the couch in front to me.

“What’s makes you think I’m feeling regretful?” I sigh. I hate that he could read me so easily.

He walks over and kneels down in front of me. “You’re so easy to read.” He takes both my hands then kisses them.

Why is he kissing my hands and not yelling at me? I mean surely that’s what he came in here to do. I was making him go home for Christ sake and he doesn’t even seem mad about it. There’s so many emotions flashing in his eyes right now it’s kind of hard to keep track.

I snatch my hands back and stand up. “What is this, the calm before the storm? If you’re going to yell at me do it and stop procrastinating.” I yell furiously.

He stands up slowly, his hazel eyes burning into mine. Making him leave is going to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do in my life. I was definitely going to miss him. “I’m not going to yell at you.” He whispered.

“Why not?” I croaked.

He takes my hand and leads us out to the balcony. I think we could both use the fresh air right now anyway. “Because I only have two days left with you.”

I gripped my hands tight around the balcony bar making it feel like it’s about to snap. I took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself as I can sense myself about to crack. I had to stay strong and stick to what’s right.

“I don’t want you to leave. But I can’t let you stay either.” I said staring into the dark forest ahead. “I want to give you your life back before it’s too late.” I stated barely.

It’s getting harder to speak out each word as I know at any moment I’m going to crack. I can no longer be strong. I can no longer feel like everything is fine. I can no longer pretend to be brave. I can no longer say I will survive on Saturday.

“I know you’re doing this to protect me. I don’t want to go against you if you feel so strongly about this. I don’t know what will happen this Saturday but let me say this.” He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me to him. We’re looking directly into each others eyes as if we knew it were the last time. “Thanks for letting me get to know you Azia.”

The moment I heard those words, I knew it was the end. We had to do what was right to keep each other safe even if it meant hurting one another.

He slowly kisses me on the lips. “I love you Azia Hoffman.”

That’s when I cracked. I fell onto the floor and started crying hysterically. I didn’t want him to leave but it was something that had to be done. It sucks how the one person I let into my heart is now being taking away. I had two days with the love of my life and I would probably never see him again.

For Him I will Kill to ProtectWhere stories live. Discover now