Chapter Thirty-Two

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I awakened the following morning fully energized. I felt like going for a run. I got up and did my morning hygiene, slipping on some sweats and a long shirt. I threw my hair into a messy ponytail and grabbed my iPod. I was just going to have to fix my hair back later.

I went upstairs to drink a bottle of blood before I left but was surprised when I saw Runako there. I quickly ran over and gave him a hug. Boy oh boy did I miss him. I wish he didn’t have to work so much. Maybe I can talk to him about taking a break.

He releases me from the hug but doesn’t let me go. “What are you doing up so early?”

“I was about to head for a run. I just came to get something to drink before I left.”

“A run huh?” He lets me go. “You mind if I join you?”

“Really?” I squealed. I thought he would have wanted rest.

He laughs and hands me a bottle of blood from the fridge. “Drink up. This run won’t be so normal.”

I gratefully to the bottle of blood and down in hastily. To excited to take my time. “Ready.” I throw the empty bottle in the garbage and follow Run out the front door.

We walk over to the edge of the basketball court and he stops. “I was thinking maybe we can do something a little more exciting than just regular running.” He stated.

“Oh yeah like what?” I replied.

I hear footsteps and turn around spotting Caleb and Nolan coming out the front door.

“Where you two heading off too?” Nolan asks walking our way with Caleb by his side.

Caleb gives Runako a handshake and then a manly hug, followed by Nolan. I on the other hand got a hug. As I stand there, I realized I haven’t spent much time with any of these people lately. I mean other than the casual small talk here and there.

“We we’re about to go for a run.” I replied, answering Nolan’s question.

“Can I come?” they ask in unison.

Run and I look at each other and shrug.

“I don’t mind at all. But Runako here wants to do something other than quote-unquote regular running.” I said, gesturing with my fingers on the quote-unquote part.

Caleb looks at Run with a puzzled expression. “What other kind of running is there?”

Nolan smirks and boom it hits me. “There’s free-running.”

Run smiles. “Exactly.”

“And what exactly is free running?” Caleb asks still confused.

“Free-running is when you do stunts off the top of your head.” I told him. “When you’re free running you don’t think you just do it.”

He pauses for a moment then nods. “I understand.”

We each line up next to each other as if we’re about to race.

“You guys ready?” Run asks. We start clapping our hands, jumping up and down, cracking our necks, you know getting warmed up for the run basically. “Go.” He yells.

We all took off at the same time. The chilly November wind felt good against my pale skin. I speed up a little and hopped on the tree to my left. I kicked off of it, flying to my right and then front flipping off of it. I haven’t free-run in a long time and man did I miss it.

As I landed, I watched Caleb thrust himself forward on a hanging branch, doing a double back-flip before landing and taking off again. He jumped over a small patch in the ground that was several feet wide. He does a back handspring back tuck and twists over my head.

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