Chapter Forty-Two

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Standing in my closet with nothing but my red silk robe on, I search for something to greet Keegan in. I look away from the section with black. Not the look I'm going for right now. I don't want the classy look either. I want the casual look. The way I was when he first saw me.

I pull out a pair of dark black denims. I unhook a long white cotton v-neck shirt. I have a certain look in mind, I'm just not sure if it would suit me. I walk over to my vests and start flipping thru them.

"What are you doing?" Pen asks.

"Trying to see what color vest I want to wear?" She walks over. "What about this one?"

I pull out a yellow leather vest. She looks back and continue flipping. I guess that's a no. I don't want to put too much into the look but I want to be the girl he remember me as. If I go all dressed up then I'll be dressed like someone I'm not.

She unhooks a rose colored purple leather vest. "Nice." I smile.

"I know." She smiles back. She points to the Milanoo boots to match. "Those with this equals sexy cow girl."

I laugh and take the vest from her hands. "So you saw the look I was going for?"

She nods. "It was pretty obvious. He's going to love that look for you." She hugs me. "It's really good to have you home."

"I miss you so much Pen." She rubs my back before letting. "Thank you for taking care of my brother."

She squeezes my hand. "That's my job."

Aiden knocks on the door. He walks into the closet and smiles. "The plane leaves in 3 hours. Are you all set?"

"I'm all packed. I just have to shower and change then I'll be good to go."

"Sure thing." He points to something on my shelf. "That hat will be the icing on the cake." He takes Pen hand and they leave.

I turn and see a black cowboy hat. Keegan's black cowboy hat. The hat he whore on the first day I ever saw him. He looked damn sexy in that hat. I pull it off the shelf and smile. Grab my stuff. I lay it out before heading to the shower.

I plug in my heating irons. I undress and take a quick shower. I don't have much time, I slip on my undergarments and then my rob. I call Johari into the room.

"I need you to do my hair. I want it straight with layers. Please?"

"Of course." She squeals.

Pen comes in and flops on the counter. She screams Aliena's name and was scolding her for being the shy girl. Aliena was stuck with us now. Well I would hope she won't try to leave and even worse, take Caleb with her.

Thirty minutes later I am done. Satisfied with my hair, the girls leave so I can change. I get dress and head outside. Closing the door and locking the house up behind me, we head to the cars. I drive my baby to the airport with my family at my side.

I miss them being there. But it doesn't feel complete without Caleb and Keegan. We have to bring them home. With us is where they belong.

We park the cars and head inside the airport. We check in our luggage. I hand my boarding passing over to the security guy to enter my terminal. But of course things are never that simple. When are they ever?

"What's a pretty lady like you doing going to such a small city in the states? You've got all you need right here." He smiles a big toothy grin.

He was an older guy. About mid-forties with a bad bear belly. Not my type at all. He checks me over and smile wider.

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