Chapter Five

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It is now Friday afternoon and class is almost over. I gather my things and hug Keegan goodbye and left the room. I reach the front of the school and meet up with my family. Jo still wasn't speaking to me. All of this over one guy, it's just not worth it.

I walk up and quickly throw my arms around her. “I miss you and I don't want to fight anymore.”

“I miss you too.” She says wrapping her arms around me.

“Great.” Quade begins. “Now that you've two made up, can we go now?” He asks irritated. What the hell is his problem?

I link arms with Jo and start walking. On our way to the parking lot, I hear Keegan shouting my name from behind. I turn around to see him jogging up to me.

“Hey!” He said finally catching up to me and placed something in my hand. “You forgot your phone in class.”

“Oh wow thank you. I appreciate that.” I take the phone and drop it in my bag. He starts rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “Something wrong?” I ask concern. Why was he so nervous? Is it because my family is here.

I feel Jo nudge me in the ribs. I look over and see her giving me the “don't be rude”look. “Oh Keegan this is my family Johari, Quade, Nolan, who keep staring at you, and my twin brother Aiden.”

Nolan was the first person to reach out his hand. “Nice to meet you.” I was quite surprised but hey at least he's being nice. “I thought you would of coward away but you held your ground.”

Keegan laughs. “Likewise.” He shakes his head. “But I don't scare easily.”

Nolan nods.

Aiden shakes his hand next. “Nice to finally meet you Keegan. Oh but man to man, you hurt my sister and it's bye bye Keegan.” With that being said he drops his hand and I stared at him with wide eyes. “Z we'll be at the car.”

Jo waves and Quade just looks him up and down in disgust before walking away.

I stare after them in complete shock and now I'm slightly upset. I never seen my brother act this way. I guess it's just a brotherly thing. Now Quade was just plain rude. “I'm sorry about my brother and Quade.”

Keegan laughs and just waves it off. “It's fine. Every brother wants to protect their sister.”

I smile. “I guess you're right.”

He leans over and kisses my cheek. “Enjoy your weekend Azia.”

I wave and head over to the car in a bit of a daze. What is with this boy? Whenever I'm around him my mind seems to go in a bit of a frenzy. I wonder if I had the same affect on him as he had on me in such a short amount of time. Well that can't be possible or otherwise he would of called me already. My mind had all kinds of thoughts running thru it at what felt like a million miles an hour. But it all seemed to be settling around one thing, Keegan. Oh I'm hopeless.

My thoughts became interrupted when I heard someone calling my name repeatedly. “Azia can you hear me?”

“Oh man she’s really out of it.” I hear another voice say.

I blinked a few times before coming back to reality. I noticed everybody staring at me. “What’s wrong”?

They all stared at me until Aiden spoke up “Are you alright sis”? He look at me a bit worried.

“I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? Because we’ve been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes.” Jo told me. She was leaning on the car door staring at me then a smirk appears on her lips. “Man, he’s really got your head gone Z”.

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