Chapter Twenty-Five

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“Hey just in time.” Aiden said as we walk into the kitchen. “Morning sis.” He kisses me on the forehead and places a bowl of biscuits on the table.

 “Keegan I hope you’re hungry because we’ve prepared a bit of a feast this morning.” Penelope said placing a variety of meats on the table.

 As if on que, Keegan stomach starts growling. “Uh yeah actually I am pretty hungry. Here let me help you with that.” He walks over to the cabinet and together him and Penelope starts gathering glasses for everyone.

"Man that food look good." Nolan reaches for a piece of bacon but Pen slaps his hand away. "I can't have a piece of bacon?"

"You eat when everyone is here. This is a family breakfast." She waves a hand. "Now go away."

Jo laughs and he shoots her a glare. 

 Wait somebody is missing. “You guys where’s Caleb?”

 “I think he’s still in his room sleep. Azia can you go wake him up for me please.” Penelope said placing plates on the table.

 “Yeah sure.”

 I walked up the stairs and quietly open Caleb’s door. “Caleb.” I called out but I didn’t hear a respond so I stuck my head in the room. He was still fast asleep, stretched out completely across the bed. I would hate trying to sleep in a bed with him.

 I walk over and gave him a gently shake. He squirmed a little but never opened his eyes. “Hey Caleb it’s time to get up.”

 He squirmed again but this time opening his eyes. “Hey is everything okay?” He asks sitting up a little.

 “Yeah everything is fine. Aiden and Penelope cooked breakfast so it’s time to get up.”

 He throws the covers back and sits on the edge of the bed. “Okay I’ll be down in a second.”

 I ruffle his hair before leaving the room. I walk into the kitchen and see Jo, Nolan, and Run were there. “Run your home.” I ran over to him and nearly jumped in his arms.

 He caught me with grace and squeezed me tightly. “Hey Z, I missed you.”

 “So I guess I’ve been replaced by Run now huh Azia.” Nolan asks pouting.

 I turn to face him and scoff. “Coming from the guy who replaced me with Johari.”

 “That’s a low blow Azia.” He replied all amusement leaving his face.

 I walk over to him and throw an arm around his shoulder. “I was only kidding. You’re still my best friend.” I kiss him on the cheek and head over to Keegan.

 He leans over and kisses me which surprised the hell out of me. He pulled away and I couldn’t do anything other than blush. I stared deeply into his hazel eyes as he stared back into mine. I leaned in and kissed him, this time deepening the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hands around my waist. He pulled me closer to him and placed me on top of the counter, now standing in between my legs.

 “Whoa this is leaving pg-13 and going to rated R.” I heard Jo say.

 Run tries clearing his throat but that didn’t work. PDA is not usually my thing but this feels to good to stop.

 “Okay that’s enough now. Keegan I like you as a person but that is still my sister so you two stop before I stop you.” Aiden said with agitation yet amusement in his voice.

 Keegan pulls away and leans his forehead into mine panting heavily, staring into my eyes as if he's seeing the depths of my soul.

 I couldn’t do nothing but put my hand to my lips which had a tingling sensation. It was a good feeling though. “Let’s go take our seats.” He nods his head and I hop off the counter.

 We turn to face everyone at the same time and see them all staring at as. There was shock and amusement written on all their faces. It was kind of funny actually. I looked at Penelope and she was in Awe with a hand over her heart. I laughed shaking my head at their expressions and pulled us to our seats.

 “Now that that’s done and over with, whose hungry?” Aiden asks.

Everybody took their seats, reaching over each other to get their food. I leaned over and hugged Jo who I haven’t seen in a while. I kind of missed her. I looked over at Caleb who was laughing with Penelope and pouring orange juice. I just sat back and took everything in. This was my new and official family.

 I turn to face Keegan who was stuffing down pancakes. He must have had put too much food in his mouth because next thing I know he was choking. I burst out laughing and handing him a glass of 0J.

 He takes the glass and began to drink. “Next time try not to stick so much food in your mouth.” I told him still laughing.

 He puts down his drink and shrugs. “Hey I can’t help it, those pancakes are really good.”

 “They are aren’t they? My baby can cook.” Aiden commented then kissed Pen quickly on the lips.

 “Well thank you everyone. I’m glad you guys are enjoying it.” Penelope said. “Now you guys can use your super speed and do the dishes.”

 “I’ll do them.” I told her.

 “I’ll dry them so they can be put away.” Jo replied after me.

 “Do you guys know what they are going to do about the whole school thing?” Runako asks after taking a sip of his blood.

 “The principal of the college is supposed to send us letters and e-mails to give us an update. So far I doubt school will began again this year, with all the damages and stuff. Oh and I heard majority of the students went home so I don’t know.” Jo said.

 “Okay and what are we doing today. I have a day off from that hospital and I am not spending it in this house.”

 “Well we can…”

That was pretty much how breakfast went. Small talk here and there, trying to come up with something to do. It was nice to just sit there and have a good time and put all the drama aside even if it was for a little while.

 Once everyone was done, Jo and I cleaned the kitchen and parted our separate ways. I walked into my room and took a quick shower. I walked out in my towel and went into my closet. I noticed Keegan sitting on my bed staring at me with wide eyes.

 “Take a picture it will last longer.” I told him flipping thru my clothes.

 Before he could respond there was a knock on my door. “Come in Caleb.” I quickly threw on my dress and stepped out of my closet.

 “Hey everyone’s putting on bathing suits and stuff. They told me to tell you they’re taking us to the new spot.” I nod and he turns to leave.

 “Exactly what is the new spot?” Keegan asks with curiosity.

 I smirked and walked back into my closet. “You’ll see.”

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