Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The sound of something moving cause me to jump up and get into a defensive stance. I relaxed once I notice it was only a squirrel but then I realize I fell asleep at my cabana. Oh no, everyone must be freaking out right now. I pick up the book I knocked on the floor and head home.

I walked thru the front door, past all the angry and worried eyes without a care in the world. I was almost to my door when an arm snatched me from behind hauling me to them. I now face the angry yet relieved Aiden.

"Where have you been Azia?" He huffed. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

I snatch my arm free and walk into my room slamming the door behind me. I walk into my closet to retrieve my bath robe but Keegan's scent brought me to a halt, knowing he was behind me. I wasn't ready to face him yet but I knew I didn't have a choice. Hmph, I'll take my chances.

I retrieve my bath robe and turn to exit the closet but he just stood in my path. I step to the side and so did he. We did this for a few seconds until I finally gave up. He comes into the closet, shuts the door behind him, and then takes a seat in front of it.

Ugh my god, I knew I wasn't going to get out of this closet without physically harming this kid, so I just stood a few feet away. He gestures for me to take a seat. I groan and threw my robe down on the floor taking a seat next to it.

"What do you want Keegan?" I know I'm in deep shit right now. It's not like I meant to fall asleep at the cabana. I would apologize but I doubt it would make much of a difference.

He didn't respond right away. Instead he just sat there and stared. He was twirling his fingers around in a circle, appearing to be in deep thought.

"You know once Aiden realized you didn't come home he called everyone back. He thought Garrick or Quade took you." He spoke so calmly. I stand up and so does he. "You're not leaving out of this closet." He snarls.

Who does he think he is? "Oh yeah, watch me." I start towards the door but he doesn't budge. "Get out of my way Keegan." I scream out.

"I'm not moving anywhere Azia." He screams back. "You're going to sit your ass down and actually talk to me." He walks towards me and I take a few steps back.

I have to admit, I may be a vampire but the look he was giving me right now was not a good one. "You think every time we get into an argument, you can just leave without so much as a word to anyone and leave your phone. On top of that, you didn't even come home last night."

"I feel asleep at the freaking Cabana. I didn't do it on purpose." We've had our disagreements but the tone in Keegan's voice and his posture right now has me reconsidering things. "And fine since you want to talk, let's talk. Let's talk about the mix signals you've been sending me lately. Let's talk--." I started but was interrupted.

"I haven't been sending you any mixed signals. In case you haven't noticed, I found out the woman I love is a vampire and she has other vampires after her." He replied frustrated. "Did you ever think to realize that I'm still trying to get use to this but most importantly, I'm still here Azia."

"I understand that. It's just yesterday in the car you were just so quiet. I don't know." I bury my head into my hands and quickly run a hand thru my hair.

"You thought I was going to bail on you, didn't you?" He asks with both hurt and anger in his voice.

"Not exactly, I wasn't--." I start but he cuts me off again.

"Not exactly." He repeats. "But it was somewhere along those lines though right?"

I tried taking a step towards him but he immediately backs away. "I thought by me being here after everything that's happened proved my loyalty to you and you knew I would never give up on us no matter what. But I guess not." He turns and opens the closet door. "After Saturday you would never have to worry about me again." He walks out, slamming the door behind him.

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