Chapter Sixteen

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I sit on the bed finishing up the work I got today while Jo flips thru some fashion magazine. Does this girl ever have any homework?

I close my book and place it on the stand. “I hate homework.”

“That's why I don't do it.” She says flipping yet another page. “I have other people to do that.”

“You're joking right?” I ask in disbelief.

“Nope.” She says popping the p.

I shake my head. I should of known better. “Hey let's go play a game of pool.”

She tosses the magazine aside. “Fine but I tell you this.” She rolls of the bed. “I am not spending my Friday night in this house.” She flips her hair and walks out.

I roll my eyes. This girl is so damn dramatic sometimes. But I understand where she coming from. I don't want to spend my Friday night in this house either. Ever since I started going out I realized how boring sitting in the house can be.

Nobody was here but us. Run was at work like usual. Nolan was at practice. Penelope and Aiden went out. He still doesn't know I took her that night. Maybe I escaped a good cursing out this time.

In the middle of our game my phone rings. I pick it up not seeing who it is. “Hello?”

“Hey Z are you busy?” I heard a familiar voice say.

“Well yeah, I’m in the middle of a game. What’s up Keegan.” I shoot and miss. Jo sticks her tongue out and laugh. How mature.

“Nothing just seeing what you was up too.” Someone falls over in the backgrounds and moans in pain. “Caleb.” I heard him say.

I got worried because of the way he just sounded. “Keegan did something happen to Caleb?” He didn’t respond but I hear him asking Caleb what happened to him. I knew he had to be badly hurt “Keegan.” I yell in the phone hopping he would hear me this time.

He picks up the phone “Azia I need you here now.”

“I’m on my way.” I throw down the stick and run to grab my keys.

“I’m coming with you Z.” Jo said running behind me.

“Well come on than.”

We got to the dorm quicker than usual. I run up to their room and see Caleb lying on his bed badly bruised. His left eye was shut with purple and red bruising and it was starting to swell, his right eye was blood shot red. His jaw was swollen, his lip was busted and his nose was broken. He looked to be in so much pain.

I walk over to him and reached for his hand but he winced in pain so I released it. I wanted to cry but I couldn’t because I needed to be strong for Caleb. “Caleb sweetheart what happened to you?”

Tears begin to slide out his right eye as he tried to speak but couldn’t. “Shh don’t try to speak okay.” He nods. “We’re going to take you to the hospital and get you some help okay.” He nods again and I turn to Johari.

She looked so helpless. “Jo I need you to drive.”

She shakes her head. “I'll go get the car started.” She runs out the room.

I turn to Keegan. “I need you to help me lift him up. I know it’s going to hurt but we need to.”

“Okay.” He pulls his hair back and walks over and lifts up Caleb. We get to the car and arrive at the hospital in no time. I called Runako on the drive over and told him we were coming. We rush into the E.R.

“We need some help here.” Keegan yells and doctors immediately rush over.

“What happened to him?” One of the nurses asks.

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