Chapter Eighteen

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In been a couple days sense everything has happened. Nobody so much as whispered his name or the incident. I still don't feel honest about what I did. Nobody deserves to take another life but everybody has there limit. I gave the kid more then enough chances to leave me alone but did he? No.

So whatever he got was his own personal fault. Enough said. I'm over him.

I put on black today. Black shirt, jacket, jeans, and my rocker boots. A color to match my dark mood. I grab my bag and head downstairs. I walk straight to the fridge for my special drink. Run and Pen are in the kitchen. I know he senses the unspoken vibe in the house. I wonder how long it will go on before he actually says something.

I pop off the top and begin drinking. The rest of the family walks in. Everyone's moving around. Quietly. Absolutely no words are being exchanged.

I finish my drink and pop open another.

“Okay that's it.” Run abandons his paperwork. “What happened this weekend that I don't know about?” He looks around at all of us.

I see Pen hide behind Aiden. “Well we went to a party.” She said over his shoulder.

He clasps his hands under chin. “And?” He prompt.

Nobody speaks.

Oh enough of this. “And I killed Sebastian.” I throw my empty bottle in the can and walk past Run and his wide and shocked eyes.

“Come back here.” He thunders. “What the fuck do you mean you killed Sebastian?” He asks when I walk back in. His chair now flipped backwards on the floor.

I shrug. “Exactly what I said.”

“You think this is a joke?” He asks in disbelief. “Azia you killed a human.”

“You wasn't there Runako.” Penelope spoke up.

“The guy wasn't listening.” Aiden says as he wraps an arm around Pen.

“She gave him chance after chance.” Jo adds. “He just wouldn't quit.”

“She was about to walk away when he hit her.” Nolan yells. “He fucking hit here. I was about to kill him but she got to him first.”

Runako shakes his head. “I can't believe this.” He collects his work. “I hope you guys covered your tracks.” He gives us a disapproving look before walking out.

I expected Penelope to look at me differently but not Runako. I wipe the stray tear and leave. School today was going to be a dull one. I don't want to go anymore but I need a distraction. This is all too much.

I never expected him to look at me that way. Hell even yell at me. He wasn't there. He hasn't been there to see this guy for his true colors. I mean come on even Johari saw it. It may of took her some time but eventually she did.

I walk into class and take my usual seat. Keegan is already there and for once my mind is already in overdrive. I'm a vampire dammit. I thought my life suppose to get easier. Luckily I only have one class today.

“Hey did you hear that Sebastian is missing?” I hear Trish whisper to one of her sidekicks.

I log onto my computer and do the work. The quicker I finish the quicker I am able to leave. At least that's what I thought. Wrong.

“Everybody understand what they have to do?” The professor asks and the class nods. “Okay you have your partners and your projects are due in two weeks.” She hands out the instructions. “Class dismissed.”

I snatch up my things and was one of the first people out the door.

“Azia wait up.”

I turn to face the guy who stole my heart and doesn't care two shits. “Look just tell me which parts you want me to do.” I turn to leave.

For Him I will Kill to ProtectNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ