Chapter Thirty-Six

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I stand with one hand rested on the counter with the other on my hip as I watch Runako finish yet another bottle of blood. He throws the empty bottle into the garbage and turns around to give us the best glare he could manage.

“The nerve of you people to make me eat that dotted fruit. It was horrible.” He spoke with a look of disgust on his face. He lays his head on the counter as if he was sick.

“Hey I thought you would like it.” Keegan responded and quickly shut up as Runako lifts his head up and shoot him the look of death.

“Well if you would of added the whip cream you probably would have liked it.” Penelope said as she placed the top back on and sat the can on the counter.

“I'm sure that would have helped a whole lot.” Run growled.

I laughed as I placed the remaining strawberries back into the fridge. “Hey you never know. Besides, there's a whole lot you can do with whip cream.” I winked at him and walked back over to Keegan.

“Oh lord my sister has turned into a freak.” Aiden drops his head pretending to be ashamed.

“That is not how I meant it.” I smirked.

“Of course it isn't.” Runako and Aiden chorused.

“Whatever.” I said waving my hand dismissively.

I took the cake batter, poured it into the cake pan, then placed it into the oven. While everyone else rambled on about the battle. I wanted to see if everyone was as prepared as they said they were. I pulled a knife out of its holder. I quickly turned around and threw it a Aiden who caught it while in the middle of a conversation with Keegan.

He faces me with a smirk while Keegan stares at me with wide eyes. “Oh I'm well prepared sister.”

I raise a brow. “Oh are you brother?”

“Would you like to find out?” He stand and exits the kitchen.

I follow behind him. “I sure would.” I rub my hands together as I anxiously await for this mini battle between me and my brother.

Of course everyone is curious to know how this is going to play out so they followed us as well. Runako was giving Aiden pointers while Keegan tried to talk him out of it. Penelope just walked on the side of me laughing.

“Why do you insist on constantly fight Aiden Z?” Penelope questioned as she locked her arm around mine.

“I want to see if he can redeem himself.” I look at Keegan. “Do you mind if I fight Aiden?”

Keegan shakes his head. “Not really. Oh but I would mind if my cake burned, then I would just be pissed.” He's tense but is trying so hard to hide it.

I hear Penelope slightly laugh on the side of me and I shove her away. “What the hell is so funny?”

“You.” She giggles and walks a head of us.

“I won't be fighting Aiden love.”

I see Keegan stance change from tense to a sigh of relief. “I would ask why but I don't really care.” He rubs his hand against my cheek before kissing me softly on the lips.

“I'll tell you why my friend.” Aiden spoke as he walked over to us. “It's because she's afraid.” He patted my back and had a smirk on his face as if he had won.

“I doubt that's the reason Aiden.” A voice interjected behind us.

Everyone turns around and see Caleb standing their with two long swords. One was banded with a purple and black faux leather wrapped with a white tip, the blade was as clean as a mirror, doubled edged and sharp. The sword has to be at least 40 inches. The other one was similar except it was silver, black, and blue. They both have some kind of a crest on it but it was unfamiliar to me. The point is it was a beauty. They both were.

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