Chapter Three

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I get home and flop on my bed with a big grin on my face. Man does it feel good to have a conversation with someone on the outside of this family. I love them don’t get me wrong but I mean there’s nothing wrong with a little change right?

I heard a noise by my door way and quickly transitioned into attack mode.

“Calm down Z it’s me”. Nolan said with his arms out in front of him.

 I straightened up once I saw it was Nolan. That's what I get for being so deep in my thoughts. “Sorry. But um yeah hey what’s up?” I sit back on the bed.

 “What happened? I thought we was going to train today.” He leans against the door frame.

“Oh yeah I forgot. How about in an hour.” I told him putting my hair into a pony tail. I noticed he was standing there but with this smirk on his face like he knew something that I didn’t. "What?”

“You forgot?" He questioned eyebrow raised.

“Yes I forgot.” I repeated slowly. What the hell is up with him.

He raises a brow with that smirk still on his face. “Could that Keegan boy have something to do with that?"

I look at him. I chew on my lip to stop myself from blushing. I don't want these people getting any ideas. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”

He laughs. “Oh so he is the reason you forgot.”

“I never said that.” I reply quickly.

“You didn’t have to." Jo said brushing past Nolan. "It’s all in your face. You look like you're in high heavens.”

“You did not have to bump into me?” Nolan frowns.

“Shut up.” She glared before turning back to me. “ So did you kiss him?” Jo ask as she took a seat in my lounge chair.

“What?" I scream. “No I did not kiss him. Why would you even ask that I just met him today are you out of your mind.” I said frantically. I was not that brave of a person. This is still all very knew to me. I only had one boyfriend ever and that did not end so well. For me at least.

“No. But you sure as hell have.” Aiden butts in. He comes and flops down on my bed. The nerve of him.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” I said with a puzzled expression on my face. Never have I been in a situation where they ganged up on me like this. I really hope they’re not up to something.

Quade walks in my room. “Oh I never seen Azia in the hot seat.” He laughs. “This should be fun.” He sips his drink and I scowl at him. Oh I'm really not liking these people right now.

Before I could snap on him Runako comes to my rescue. “Hey hey hey let’s all leave her alone because not one person did this to Jo when she started seeing the Sebastian kid now did we?”

It got really quite in the room as everyone waited for him to leave. A few seconds later, the questions and comments started right back like nothing ever happened. I didn’t think that one afternoon with a human can cause such chaos.

 "I can't believe your dating a human."

 "I can't believe she's dating at all."

 "What do you know about the guy?"

 "What's his name?"

“Keegan.” Nolan added quickly. “I mean you should of seen the way they were looking at each other. He smiles. “Like two little puppies in love.” He holds his hands over his heart for dramatic effect.

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