Sydney stood, "Objection your honor."

"On what grounds counsellor Pearson," the judge asked.

"Speculation," she scowled.

"Sustained. Ada Weekes, rephrase," she said.

"Yes your honor. It is alleged that the two men here, was arrested because of drug slander and possession of an illegal firearm."

She walked to her desk and pulled the bag with the gun out. She walked over to the judge and gave it to her.

"Your honor, here is the said handgun that was found in the possession of Bradley Fisher," she said.

"And what evidence states that this gun is that of his," the judge asked.

"Your honor here is a transcript from the DNA headquarters. The prints did match that of his," Weekes stated.

"Continue," the judge said.

"I'll like to call Jason Wilson to the stand please," she said.

Jason walked up to the stand but not before saying his oaths.

"Mr Wilson, where were you on June the 10th," she asked.

"I was at the warehouse," Jason muttered full of boredom.

"And what were you doing at this said warehouse," she asked.

"I was working late," he said.

"And what kind of work is this," she asked.

"Construction and welding," he said.

"Hmm, such a mediocre job yet you drive an A list car," she asked while walking around the room.

"Are you stalking me?" He smirked.

"Answer the question Mr Wilson," she scowled.

"You asked no question, counsellor. You made a statement," he smirked.

"Okay! Where do you get the money to buy such a car?" She asked clearly irritated.

"My boss pays well," he smiled.

"And who is this said boss?" she asked clearly amused.

"Mrs Kenneth," he smirked.

"And what is your boss' occupation?"

"I am just a mere employee. I have no idea what she does," he muttered.

"Oh really. If I am not mistaken Mrs Kenneth is one of Manhattan's biggest drug leader, so how do you not know?" She asked as though she was reaching some where.

"Objection your honor," Sydney shouted.

"On what grounds?" The judge asked.

"She is clearly provoking the client," she shouted.

"Sustained," the judge muttered.

"Sorry your honor. What were you doing with marijuana in your possession?" She asked.

"I smoke because I have glaucoma," he said.

"Do you now?" She asked sarcastically.

"Yes I do," he said with the same tone.

"Your honor, this man before you is a felon. He was caught red handed with these illegal substances and should be charged for them. Our city has enough criminals and we need to start putting them away, starting with these two men before us. No further questions your honor," she said and strolled of the stage.

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