You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 19

Comenzar desde el principio

My eyes flew open. I looked at the clock. Eleven. Not too bad. I sat up slowly, trying not to kick anyone.

“Ethan honey, it’s fine. They aren’t strangers! They’re Tabby’s friends.” My mum reassured my brother.

“But one of them is a boy!” he said, his eyes wide with horror at the thought of me sleeping with a boy fully clothed.

“I know honey, I have already checked on them.” my mum said. She sounded distant. I guessed she was in her room.

I was surprised no one else was awake, my brother was shouting for England.

“Ethan! I can’t believe you woke me up!” I said to him, crossing my arms and pretending to sulk.

“But Tabby! You had strangers in your bed, they could have killed you!” Ethan said, coming in and sitting straight on top of Jake. I think he did that on purpose. Jake grunted and coughed.

“Ethan, that wasn’t very nice, was it?” I said, pulling him in for a hug.

He squirmed and giggled. “I’m not very nice anyway!” he laughed and started kicking his legs out.

“Guys, it’s early, keep it down!” Paloma moaned from under the covers.

“Oh shut up. Just because you’d rather be in Max’s bed than mine!” I said.

Paloma shot up and gasped. “I can’t believe you just said that! In front of your brother too!”

“Tabby, who is Max?” Ethan asked, looking into my eyes. Aww, he was so cute.

“Max is Paloma’s boyfriend, like Jake is mine. They were kissing a lot last night.” I whispered to him. He giggled.

“I’m telling mum about him!” he sang, stepping on Jake again and skipping out of the room, Elliot suddenly appearing behind him, chewing my old bus pass.

“Smooth Tabby.” Jake said, pulling me under the covers again.

I screamed, waking Bree up as he went in for a kiss. “Uh, no way lover boy. Go clean your teeth. Skank.” I said, pushing him away.

He laughed. “So, Paloma. How was the inside of Max’s mouth?” Jake asked, finally sitting up.

“Yeah, how was it, eh?” Bree asked.

“Oh god. Do I really have to tell you all? I mean how awkward. I snogged your drummer Jake and now you want all the gory details. Really?”

Jake shrugged. “Yeah, really.”

“Come on then. Spill.” I said, getting comfy and settling into Jake’s armpit. Good thing his deodorant was 24 hour.

“Well it was just like a normal kiss.” Paloma said matter of factly.

“Yes, because that’s how me and Jake kiss on a regular basis. Don’t lie. You were full frontal sticking your tongue down his throat.” I grinned at her mischievously.

“Was I? Sorry, too drunk to remember.” Paloma muttered sarcastically.

“Lie.” Jake said, yawning.

“Fine! Yes, I did snog him! But he came on to me, so don’t go thinking of me as a desperate slag!”

Jake laughed. “Go on then. Tell us all about it.” he said, stifling another fit of laughter.

“Well, it was Tabby’s fault, she told Max to come and talk to me, so blame your darling girlfriend.” she gave me a glare.

“Shut up. You should be thanking me! Carry on then.” I said.

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