Start from the beginning

"You're part of my bridal party, I need you to help plan now. All I need now is another girl." The two girls shrug their shoulders at me.

"Doesn't Alpha have a sister?" Alyssa asks. I snap my fingers at her, telling her to continue. "Remember, he made an announcement that his sister is coming for the wedding? She wasn't known because she didn't want to be part of the Alpha world."

"Oh yeah," me and Tay both stretch out. Dane and I talked about this before the announcement. He told me the background story on why his sister was kept hidden, which was her choice, and how she wants to come back now and meet everyone she left behind.

"I'm gonna speak with Dane," I say. The two girls follow me upstairs into his office. Without knocking I walk right in. He's alone, doing paper work. Like usual. He looks up and smiles.

"Hello, ladies," he winks at me. I smile and make my way over to the couch, the two girls sitting on both sides of me. "What can I help you with?"

"I want your sister to be one of my bridesmaids," I state. He raises an eyebrow at me. "I mean it. She's your sister, so she should be involved in the planning." Plus everyone else in this pack doesn't really like me as a person. I should add the last part but that would break the strong argument I have.

"You'll have to ask her. But I'm warning you, she's bouncy and thinks life is like rainbows and the sun had a unipuppy that can shit happiness," he tells me before continuing his work. I make my way over to him and drop a kiss on his head.

"Don't worry," I whisper into his ear. "She'll hate life after she's done with our wedding." Without waiting for his to respond us three leave. I clap my hands once. "Okay squad. We need to talk china, seating charts, dresses, and times." We all make our way to the entertainment building. We sit at one of the dinner tables which has all my already set things.

"I think plain white china is the best," Alyssa says. "It's simple, clean, and proper. You can never go wrong with white china, maybe get the ones that have a ring of black on the edge. And I say red napkins because the china is going to be white and black." Smart, she's a smart girl.

"Okay, that's good. We'll do that, okay Tay?" She nods her head and starts to write down what Alyssa said. "What about this?" I pull out a big white board with little chair symblols. We're assuming everyone from the pack is attending so there are a ton of symbols.

"Let them sit wherever, it's easier because of all the people coming. But this table-." Taylor points to the long table. "Is for you, Dane, the groomsmen, and the bridesmaids. That way everyone knows who's the center of attention."

"Yes, I like that. Write!" Taylor laughs and does what I say. Alyssa starts squealing.

"I think it would be so romantic if you guys started the ceremony around six, because of the sunset!" Alyssa squeals. I tap my fingers on the table.

"But that's really late for the children. The reception would have to be half an hour later because we're all changing dresses, and there's going to be four of us. Plus we have the country club until midnight, we can change the times for the ceremony for whatever time is best."

"But I think six would be good. The kids could just nap, think about it. Isn't your ceremony taking place in gazebo right in front of the lake? Darcy, the sun would be setting and the water would look so beautiful. When the photographer takes the picture of the kiss it'll look all Tumblr," Taylor tells me. I chuckle at the last part. I have had an obsession with Tumblr lately.

"Fine," I cave. "I really do love the sound of that." The door bursts open. All three of our heads, plus whatever wolves are in here, turn to the door. Dane comes in with a bouncing girl. She has black hair in a pixie cut with big brown eyes.

"Hi," I greet Dane, who bends down to give me a kiss on my lips. The girl coos and starts bouncing and clapping her hands.

"Darcy, Alyssa, Taylor, this is my sister Nikol," Dane introduces. I physically cringe at her name but shake her hand. Dane turns to his sister with a small frown. "Don't be too bouncy on Darcy, okay? She's very temperamental." I shoo Dane with a small smile. He chuckles on his way out.

"Hi!" Nikol chirps. Alyssa brings a seat over for her. "Oh I'm so excited. When Dane told me that you wanted me to be a bridesmaid I thought he has lying. I mean, you've never met me before, so why would you want me? But it's so nice you want me here." Her brown eyes sparkle with happiness.

"Well, we were just talking wedding time. The ceremony is going to be starting at six, the reception at six thirty. You're going to sit here during the reception." I point to the last seat on the right side of the table. She's obviously the shortest of the girls, besides me, here. She nods her head.

"What about my mate?" She asks. "He's currently speaking with Dane but I'm sure he would like to sit beside me." She furrows her eyebrows at the seating cart. I grab a marker and enlong the table.

"There. Now you and him can sit here, Taylor and Ian sit beside you, then Alyssa, then me," I say with a nod. Nikol claps her hands once and bounces in her seat.

"You're the best almost sister in law ever!" She pulls me into a hug. Her eyes drop on my stomach. "Woah, Dane didn't tell me that you're having three!" I smile at her. It's easy to tell I have three babies growing inside me, you can heat their heartbeats from a mile away.

"Yeah. We find out the genders really soon. Anyway, let's call it a night. Tomorrow is cake and the menu. Ugh, two months and I'm getting married. Beware, Bridezilla Darcy is coming."

"Night," all three girls say. Taylor and Alyssa leave, but Nikol stays beside me. I raise an eyebrow at her. She twidles her thumbs. "I don't remember my way back." I link arms with her.

"It's right out these doors." We walk outside. That little building is where Dane and I live. Everyone else lives in the packhouse. Do you remember what room you have?" Nikol nods and gives me as hug as we reach outside the pack house. Dane and a man come out the building. Nikol jumps into the arms of the man.

"Darcy, this is Ashley," she giggles at me. I shake the free hand of Ashley.

"Nice to meet you Luna," he says scaredly. I chuckle AMD brush it off.

"Please, you're almost my family. It's Darcy," I say as Dane comes swooping by so he's carrying me bridal style. "Well OT was nice to meet you both." They wave at us as I'm being carried away. My lips meet Dane's. "I love you."

His eyes darken. "I love you more." I poke his nose as our door is closed behind us. "Hey, don't poke me for being in love with the girl of my dreams." I smile at him, a wicked smirk takes over his face. "But. . . I know some other ways of showing her all the love I have for her."

"Oh yeah?" I challenge. "And what might those be?" He smirks, still, at me.

"First would be a tickle fight." Dane pouncing on me, his hands tickling my sides. My laughs come out so hard my sides start to cramp.

Why was I ever so scared of love?



          -XOXO MARIAH LEE

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