Chapter twenty-four

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Two weeks later.
Michael was like himself again. He hasn't hung out with Nathan or Blake since that night. The car drive to my parent's house wasn't too long. Michael sang along as Blink-182 played through the crappy car speakers.

"Roller coaster favorite ride!" Michael belted. I giggle when his hips shake from side to side in the seat. Michael turns the car engine off smiling goofily at me.

"Let's just ditch and go roller-skating." Michael groaned.

"We're already here though." I sigh. He sighs too and frowns.

"Mike. We've been putting this off for awhile. Do you not want to see them?" I question. Michael always finds an excuse not to see my parents and I don't know why that is.

"I just want to spend time with you." He mumbles.

"I'm going to be there with you."

"No I just want to be with only you." Michael scratches behind his neck and I nod.

"Alright. I'll tell them I'm not feeling good. Let's go roller-skating." I give in.


"I'm going to fall on my ass!" Michael exclaimed.

"Shh! There's kids here!" I laugh.

"Have you done this before?" He asks me. Michael held the wall with shaky legs and I skated around him.

"Yeah. When I was like ten I used to skate all the time with my friends." I state. Michael frowns and I kiss his cheek.

"Bend your knees. Just sorta move your feet out.. There you go!" I cheer. Michael quickly got the hang of it and we skated all around.

"Babe! Look at this!" He shouts skating fast. He looses control and falls on this teen's skate.

"Oh shit." I mumble. I make my way over and Michael is laughing uncontrollably with a bloody lip.

"Let's go clean you up." We end up going to get ice cream.

"We've come a long way." He smiled licking his mint chip ice cream.

"Yeah, we have." I agree.

"Just to think we were so mentally unstable and now look at us. We're living together and we're doing okay. Sometimes we get down but I think we'll be alright. I love you and I never want you to forget that. No matter what. Do not forget." Michael said very seriously.

"I love you. Don't forget." I answer. Michael's pink lips curl up and he looks around. We're on the bridge again. I swear this is the tallest bridge I have ever been on. It brings up unpleasant memories of a few years ago. I would always run from my house to this bridge and want to jump off it. There were successful suicides on this bridge and I always got so close to jumping every time. Something always stopped me. My mom found me standing on the edge and she tried to make me come over the railing. I would weep and tell her to go home. She called the police once and they physically pulled me back. I shook my head from the gloomy thoughts. I could see the boy I'm in love with staring at the ledge and looking to the water and rocks far below us.

"Are you alright?" I whisper. Michael instantly smiled.

"Perfect. You have galaxies in your eyes." He gasps.

"Do I? They're just brown." I stare into his green eyes.

"Yeah but it looks like there are nebulas in them. They are beautiful." Michael observes my eyes furrowing his brows.

"Thank you." I blush. Michael breaks away from my eyes and stares intently into the distance.

"Let's go home yeah?" He whispers. I nod my head a few times.

"I love you. I'm hopeless." Michael's breathy voice was in my ear. I will never tire of his voice.

//authors note//
Oh my god this chapter was all over the place. The next chapter will be the last,,, then there will be an epilogue and that will be it for Rehab! Comment & vote

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