Chapter four

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I lay in my bed with tears in my eyes. The urges to hurt myself are hard to fight off. The knock on my door pulled my from my thoughts. I was only in a big shirt, bra, and underwear. I cracked the door open.

"Can I come in?" Michael whispered.

"Um I'm only in a big shirt." I mumbled. He walked past me.

"Okay then. Take a seat." I laughed lightly sitting on my bed. Hesitantly he sat down next to me.

"I wanted to apologize for earlier today." Michael sighed.

"It's fine." I shook my head.

"No. I shouldn't of yelled at you. It made you uncomfortable and I'm sorry." I nodded.

"Hey it is okay. Wanna listen to some All Time Low with me?" I smiled.

"Hell yes I do." He laughed. We lay side by side as Therapy softly played. Michael hung out for a couple hours and we just talked.

"As much as I would like to listen to the next Death Cab For Cutie song we have a curfew so I gotta head back to my room." Michael yawned. I stood to my feet and Michael hugged me then he was gone. I smiled and turned of the lights.


Two weeks passed and Michael and I were like best friends. We were always together. The air was cold and it was almost raining as we sat on a bench outside.

"I miss like watching Netflix." Michael whispered. I laughed a little and nodded my head.

"I can't believe we both have lived here our whole lives and we've never met before." I told him.

"I've seen you before." Michael shrugs.

"Really? When?" I ask.

"You were in a coffee shop reading a book and I just stared at you for the longest time. I thought you were so cute. My mates had to take me out of the shop because I kept looking at you." Michael admitted blushing.

"Are you serious?" I laughed. When I read I really block out everything so it's not that surprising that I didn't see him.

"Yeah." He shrugged. I'm sure he probably doesn't think I'm still cute. He knows me he probably doesn't think that way about me. I couldn't help but have a little crush on Michael. He was so beautiful.

"Who are your friends?" I asked to get mind off his pink lips.

"Luke, Calum, and Ashton. Luke and Calum are actually here."

"They are? I think I've met Ashton before. Yeah, we went to school together." I remembered.

"Yeah, they are pretty messed up." Michael sighed.

"Oh." It went silent again and I looked up at the dark clouds.

"I love this weather." I spoke.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." Michael laughed. The rain suddenly poured down on us and I gasped.

"Come inside!" Some nurse yelled to us. We ran from the rain laughing at how soaked we were. The cafeteria was empty so we sat in there.

"Tell me about your parents." Michael put his hand up and ran it through his wet hair.

"Only if you tell me about yours." He nodded so I cleared my throat.

"Well they aren't the best. They aren't really around much. My dad owns an electric company and is always working. My mom does a lot of shopping for herself. She once just flew to Hawaii with my dad's credit card for a week. She has a lot of clothes. I wish I knew more about them you know? Like we don't really talk that much. When I was little My older brother died in a car crash, I was like two so I don't really remember him. I always wonder if that's the way they are." I told him.

"I don't even know them." My voice quavered and a tear rolled down my cheek. Michael quickly sat next to me and pulled me in his arms.


literally that second part came out of no where
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