Chapter eleven

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Two weeks of double dosing on my pills and sneaking kisses with Michael. I sat at my desk with a few pills in my hand I swallowed them quickly. I was out of pills and I don't have a refill for another week.

"God fucking damn it." I mumbled to myself. I walked down to Nina's office.

"Hi Alice. What can I help you with?" She smiled warmly. I can do this.

"Um. I need more pills." I nervously gulped.

"That's impossible. You shouldn't run out for another week. You're only taking one a day right?"

"Yeah only one. I have no more. I think someone took them." I lied.

"You can tell me anything you know that Alice." She sighed.

"What are you saying?" I raised my voice.

"Are you taking more than one."

"Are you saying I'm like a drug addict?" I yelled.

"No, of course not." Nina shook her head.

"Then what? I have told you everything! You don't give a shit about me!" I was upset that she wouldn't just give them to me. Yeah I was lying but I needed more.

"Hey. I care. I appreciate you telling me things. I will refill your pills." Nina announced. I tried to think up excuses for next time. Once she hands them to me I was out the room.

"Hey Kale!" I smiled shoving the pills into the pocket of my sweatshirt.

"Hey!" She smiled.

"Wanna go outside?" I offered.

"Sure." She nodded. I hugged my arms to my chest to keep warm. It's December and it started snowing three weeks ago. We walked and talked.

"So how's everything?" I asked. I feel like I never talk to her anymore. She's always busy doing something when I see her.

"Good. Really good. I leave next month." Kale smiled proudly.

"Oh my god! That's awesome Kale! I'm going to miss you." I hugged her.

"I'll miss you too Alice." She laughed.

"There's some hot chocolate inside. Want to go inside?"

"I think I'm going to stay out here for a bit." I said. Kale went inside and I payed on the cold snowy ground. The snow made me happy. It felt like my world was spinning and I was numb. I heard the snow crunch. I sat up to see Thomas or Calum approach me with two cups.

"Hi I'm Calum." He smiles and I feel relieved.

"Alice." I grinned.

"I brought hot chocolate. Luke and Michael told me about you and I wanted to meet you." he said handing me a cup.

"Thank you." I brought the cup up to my lips taking a sip.

"So how's your depression?" He asked hesitantly.

"I'm fine. I can't wait to get out of here." I laughed.

"That must be nice. The doctors told me they are going to move me to a mental hospital. Which I don't understand because I feel fine." Calum sighed. I instantly felt bad. Thomas belongs in a mental hospital but not Calum. It's awful that he has to deal with that.

"I'm sorry Calum." I said. His eyes turned dark and he looked absolutely pissed. My heart stopped.

"Calum?" I whispered.

"My name is fucking Thomas you bitch." He screamed. Oh shit.

"I'm sorry." My voice quavered and I was afraid to be alone with him. He looked at me and slapped my right across the face. I cried out in pain. My eyes started to water.

"What's the matter?! Huh? Oh no are you going to cut yourself!? You should cut deeper!" He pinned me to the ground and I choked out a sob. I know what he said was true. I tried to calm myself down and get out of his grip.

"You're a bitch!" He punched me in the stomach.

"Jesus Christ." I groaned.

"Please let me go." I whimper. He slapped me again.

"Calum! Calum! Please." I screamed for him. His eyes lightened up. He let me go and I quickly scooted back.

"W-what happened?" He stuttered.

"Don't come near me ever again!" I yelled as he came closer. I quickly got inside unfortunately running into Luke.

"Hey. Oh what's the matter?" Luke rushed.

"Thomas hurt me."

"Oh my god Alice. I'm so sorry. Where are you hurt?" He asked.

"My face and stomach. It's okay Luke."

"Sure it is." He rolled his eyes.

"Leave me alone." I walked in my room about to take another pill but Michael sat on my bed.

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