Chapter eight

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The next day it seemed like all hell broke loose. We all were at lunch when Newt approached Michael and I.

"You two, come with me please." He demanded. Kale looked as confused as we did. Newt took us into a room where Molly and Camille, Michael's therapist, sat.

"Take a seat." Newt sighed sitting next to Molly.

"What's all this about?" Michael asked confused.

"One of our staff members saw you two kissing in the hallway. Clearly you aren't aware of the rule that there are to be no romantic relationships between patients." Camille stated.

"That's a rule?" I scoffed.

"You can have friends but anything closer is not allowed." Molly explained. Michael let go of my hand he held under the table.

"We aren't even dating." Michael assured them.

"What are you friends with benefits?" Newt scoffed.

"Look. You can't be anything other then friends. This institution is for helping you recover not to kiss and fall in love. You two aren't allowed alone in a room with the door closed." Molly informed us.

"That's bullshit! You can't control my relationships." I said loudly.

"We can actually. Go to your individual rooms." Newt ordered. I was pissed off. I liked kissing Michael and being with him and now I can't have that. He made me very happy.

"Can you believe this?" I crossed my arms walking down the hall.


"Really?" I whispered.

"We went against the rules Alice." Michael groaned entering his room. I stepped away from the door that slammed shut. What did I do? I guess he doesn't care. Who am I kidding? He told me he cared. Michael wasn't just using me. He wouldn't. I kept overthinking and decided to take a shower to clear my mind. I walked into the bathroom and halted when I saw Kale sitting in the floor pushing a needle in her arm.

"Kale! What the fuck." I yelled.

"Oh god. Alice leave!" She screamed.

"What are you doing? How did you get that?" I questioned her.

"My drug dealer visited me." Kale grins.

"Are you fucking doing heroin?" I shouted.

"Uh huh. I have a few more if you wanna try." She said hazily.

"Give them to me." I ordered.

"No!" She yelled. I grabbed her bag finding the needles and somehow emptying them in the sink. Kale was in a ball crying as I searched her bag. I found two bags of weed and a small bag of cocaine.

"How the fuck did you get all this shit?" I whispered. I flushed them down the toilet. I turned to Kale and her nose was bleeding.

"How much did you do?" I yelled.

"A needle and a few lines of coke I think." She giggles. Kale leaned up against a stall with bloodshot eyes and yawned.

"Let's take you to the nurse."

"No! God no! They'll punish me!" Kale yelled with fear in her eyes.

"Punish you?" I asked.

"Yeah. Mike got drunk one time and they kept him in this room for a day like a fucking animal." She laughed finding humor in this. Does everyone fucking relapse here?

"They kept him in a room?"

"Yeah like he was crazy." This is a rehab not a mental hospital.

"Let's go to your room. Be quiet." I warned her. I took Kale out of the bathroom and dragged her through the halls.

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