Chapter twenty-three

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"How is everything going?" Faye my therapist asks.

"I'm worried about my boyfriend." I mumble.

"You always are. How are you feeling though?"

"I feel great. We're going to my parents for dinner tonight and it's all going good. With me. I just really worry about him. He's out late a lot and it's hard to get him to talk. Michael has been really depressed for this whole month and I don't know what to do." I replied. Everything that's going on with Michael is really stressing me out. I just don't know how to really help him.

"Hm. Where is he when he's gone?" Faye scribbles on the paper.

"He- I don't know." I gulp. After the session I was home alone. I didn't have work today so I had absolutely nothing to do. I cleaned the house and made myself lunch. I finished a book and watered the plants. It was getting close to the time we had to go to my parents house for dinner and Michael still wasn't home. I called and he didn't answer. I called again.

"Hello?" He slurred into the phone.

"Michael? Babe, we gotta go to my parents." I reminded him.

"Alice! Hey love! No no can we go another time? Uh I'm sick."

"Mike. We planned it for tonight. If you're sick then why aren't you home in bed?" I groaned. I'm so sick of these excuses.

"Uh. I'll come home. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." He coughed. I sighed hanging up the phone. Michael came through the door with bloodshot eyes.

"Are you stoned?" I growled.

"Maybe a little bit." He giggled.

"Michael! What the fuck!" I scolded.

"What? I got high! Whatever!" Michael groaned.

"You were in fucking rehab because of this! Who were you with?" I was fucking pissed. Michael had to go to rehab because he was a drug addict! For gods sake he shouldn't be getting high.

"So what?" He said innocently.

"Who were you with?" I repeat.

"Nathan and Blake." He hesitantly whispered.

"Michael. I don't want to seem like I'm controlling what you do. I just don't want to see you get hurt again. You can't just go get high once if you had a big issue with drugs."

"I know. I just feel so bad and wanted to escape a bit." Michael snapped.

"Escape from what?" I sigh.

"Myself." He murmured.

"Do you have to get high to do that?"I quaked. Fear swarmed my mind.

"Yes! Fucking hell Alice. There's nothing else I can do! You care about me I know! I just don't fucking care about me! Do you get that? I hate myself! I'm an absolute piece of shit!" Michael barked. I took a step back from him.

"I want to die! I want to die! I want to fucking die!" Michael's voice roared.

"Michael." I trembled.

"What!?" He yelled.

"Please. Please don't say that." I whimpered. His dark green eyes softened and he walked up to me.

"Alice. I can't stop it." Michael cries.

"I know. I just, I need you okay? I love you so much Michael. I know you can't help it. I just need you to talk to me when you feel like this and not go get high with your drug dealer friends."  I stammered.

"I love you too Alice. So much. God I love you so so much. I'll try I'm sorry." Michael pulled me into him and kissed me over and over.

"Don't forget about me." He mumbled so quietly I hardly heard. I sort of pushed that aside since he isn't in the best state. I texted my parents and told them we'd have to reschedule again. I led him to our room and he peeled off his clothes crawling in the bed.

"Love me." Michael sighed.

"I do love you."

"I know. Take all your clothes off and let me make love to you."

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