You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 18

Start from the beginning

“Oh yeah. God, I’m so blonde.” She put her head in her hands. “Romance sucks actual eggs. I wish Max wasn’t so cute and available.” she moaned.

“Don’t lie. You’re pleased he’s cute and single.” I said.

“Ugh, shut up Tabby! He could be listening. Urrrrrgggghhhhh! Leave me to try not to throw up in peace!”

We sat for a few minutes, me watching Paloma regaining colour and Paloma muttering about cute drummers.

I could hear the music downstairs, but I’d also heard some muttering going on since we came into the bathroom. I smiled to myself. I’d bet anything it was Max.

“I just need to step outside. I’m kinda sick of these four walls.” I said, getting up.

Paloma just nodded, not looking up. “Don’t go back down without me, ok?” she said.

“I won’t.”                     

I stepped out. “Yeah, ok. You can come out now.” I said.

No one came out. Great, just made a dick of myself. Maybe the voices were Mai and Kayleigh.

“How did you know?” Max said from behind Jack’s parent’s door. Matt followed. “I swear I tried to stop him.”

I laughed. “Yeah, I know. But why are you here?”

“Paloma looked pretty bad, so I wanted to see if she was ok.” He mumbled, ruffling his hair nervously.

“Well, she’s fine now. Don’t worry. She’ll be down in a minute.” I said, trying to stifle a giggle at his obvious efforts to try and flirt with her.

“See? I told you so. Let’s go.” Matt said, dragging Max back down the stairs.

I cracked up as soon as I’d seen them disappear through the door.

“Good news. Max likes you. Just saw him and Matt out there spying on you. I’m sure I could get you two together easily.” I said, feeling good about this whole match making thing again.

Paloma literally jumped up, screeching. “YES, YES, YES. Go Tabby, go! Get me a date with that cute drummer!” she said, dancing on the spot, clearly feeling better.

She really had perked up quickly.


“Hey, thought I’d lost you.” Jake said, giving the top of my head a quick kiss when I’d emerged from that bloody bathroom again.

I laughed. “No. Just Paloma feeling ill. She’s fine now. Gonna get her a date.” I grinned at him.

“Oh really? Who with?” he asked, grinning back.

I looked over my shoulder at Max, who was currently twirling his drumsticks in between his fingers.

Jake laughed. “I thought something was up. He only twirls his sticks like that when he’s nervous.”

I laughed. Perfect, both of them were near the point of throwing up with nerves. I’d just add a beer or two in there and we were heading towards double dates next weekend. “You got my coat?” I asked, shivering slightly.

“I like that shirt though.” Jake said all disappointed.

“Well I’d like to get home not half frozen to death.” I said.

“Here, I have something better.” he said, swooping in for a hug. I was close against his chest, so close I could smell the aftershave and deodorant he was wearing. I giggled.

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