Chapter 39

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Theo's point of view

The second I unlock the front door to my New York apartment I see it.

The boxes.

And suitcases. And even more fucking cardboard boxes.

A tall guy that I recognise as one of Ruth's costars runs out of our bedroom with another damn box in his hands and as he's passing me through the doorway to get out, he has the nerve to say "Sup?" to me.

I walk further into the apartment to see that it's pretty much empty. All the decorative crap we had in the living room and kitchen gone.

Ruth walks out of the bedroom next, a handbag in her hands a jacket in the other. She doesn't even look at me, she blows me off completely.


Again nothing. Women have got to stop ignoring me. It's the most annoying thing they can do. Being mad is better.

The blonde guy walks back in and turns to Ruth. "What next? The car's filling up, we'll have to come around a second time to get the rest, and the sofa won't fit either. We'll have to send a truck or something."

Ruth's short blonde hair bobs up and down as her head moves around, her eyes scanning the apartment rapidly. "Okay no problem. Hunter thanks for all this, I really appreciate this. Just take those boxes from the hallway out to the car. You can wait for me downstairs, I'll be down in a minute. Just need to deal with him." She stabs a finger in my direction.

Hunter nods. "Okay, just don't take too long."

He starts to walk out but stops in the doorway. "You sure you wanna be alone with him?"

They're talking as if I'm not in this room. Well I am. HELLO!?

"Hunter he's not gonna hit me."


I interrupt him. "Get the fuck out Hunter, I'm not gonna hit her!" I never have and I never will. I've never ever hit a woman in my life.

He gives me one last look and decides that I must be harmless because he eventually leaves.

Ruth takes a deep breath and walks over to the kitchen counter while I stay frozen in my spot in the living room. What the actual fuck is going on here?!

"Here's your stupid phone." Ruth spits at me and throws the iPhone across the room. I manage to catch it just in time.

"What are you doing? What is this? Are you putting on a show right now?" I ask getting angry now.

"No. I'm just done." She says.

"Done with what?" We're talking to eachother with a distance of a good eight meters between us. The distance is back again. Things aren't good.

"You promised me and you lied." Ruth says and a tear rolls down her cheek.

I make my way over to her and grab her arms. "Ruth please, can you all just stop saying that? It feels like everyone is making me promise things I can't keep!"

"I only asked for one thing. One thing, Theo! And you couldn't keep that one promise."

I look at her with a look she's learned to understand over the years. It's the look I give people when I don't know what they're talking about.

"You promised to not leave me." Tears are rolling down her face now. I try to come over and comfort her but she rejects me.

I don't blame her.

RuthlessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz