Chapter 5

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Theo Point Of View

"Right buddy, I think you've had enough, don't you think?" Miles asks. I shake my head rapidly.

"Nah," I take another swing of vodka, straight from the bottle.

Everyone is here. I mean everyone. The crowd is huge and seems to be doubling every hours. Most of these people I don't even recognise but then again I am drunk, and I can't even see straight.

I look to the middle of the room where Keleigh, Miles' girlfriend, is the dancing queen, her moves demanding attention. All the guys are gaping at her.

I tap Miles on the shoulder. "You might wanna take care of that. " I point to Keleigh and Miles immediately puts his drink down rushing over to her. "Shit." he mutters.

Within minutes he's dragging her out the door.

"Bye Shai! Thanks for the invite. We had a blast." Miles yells.

"Yasss! Fucking fan-tasticular. Shai you da bae!" Keleigh adds. Clearly turning 21 had an effect on her.

That reminds me. I glance around the room and realise that the host is nowhere to be found. She must be here though, because I just heard Miles say goodbye to her. I'm not that intoxicated.

I end up in one of the hallways and then I spot her. She's on top of one of the tables,dancing with her friend/makeup artist Roxanne to The Pussycat Dolls' "Don't Cha"

She shakes her hips wildly and the breaks out into rapping. People gather around cheering them on and I just stand back and lean against the wall, grinning idiotically.

Her eyes meet mine when she's singing and she smiles, her eyes lighting up.

Fuck, she's so hot. She does what she wants without a care in the world. She doesn't know it but she's the main reason Ruth and I broke up. It wasn't the only reason, but definitely a huge contributing factor. Sure, Ruth had changed after gaining attention for her new role, but she wa still Ruth. It was me, who had changed. I just didn't love her anymore. Meeting Shai made me realise that.

I spot Nahko walking over to the table and he holds out a hand for Shai. She takes it eagerly and hops down, then they start dancing. Anger and jealousy boil up in me when she starts grinding on him with a smile on her face. She's completely oblivious to everything else around her.

I curse under my breath and walk into the other room grabbing another bottle.




A soft hand grabs mine and my eyes fly open.

"Theo? You alive, still?" It's Shai. I've sobered up a tiny bit.

I notice that more than half of the people have left and the other half lay passed out in various parts of Shailene's apartment.

She's smiling at me but I can't do it back. I'm still hurt over seeing her and Nahko.

"Come on, you need to lie down properly." She grabs my hand and makes me stand up and I let her lead me to her bedroom. She closes the door behind her when we're inside and I sit on the bed.

She's busying herself in the closet looking for blankets. "Here's one- whats wrong?" She says upon laying eyes on me, I must look like shit.


She sighs and sits down cross legged beside me. "Don't give me that. Seriously, whats up?"

I ponder whether or not to tell her. Ah, go for it. May as well. "What are doing to me Shai?"

She looks confused. "What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb you know what I'm talking about."

She creases her forehead and shakes her head." I really don't. Please just tell me."

I stand up frantically, and start pacing around the room. I run my hand through my hair, more than I should, probably, and try to come up with the best way to say this.

Shailene looks at me with a puzzled look on her face. "Theo-" I interrupt her. "Just.. be quiet and let me say this my way!"

She puts her hands up and nods. 'Alright, chill."

"Are you with Nahko?" I say eventually.

She lets out a laugh.

"It's not funny!" I snap.

She keeps laughing. "Actually, It is. What the hell makes you say that?"

I roll my eyes dramatically. "Why would you do that to me?"

"Do what?" she yells now standing up too. "Do what? Please, enlighten me, because I honestly have no idea what you're talking about."

"YOU! Dirty dancing with that hippie, after I told you I wanted to kiss you. Did you seriously invite me over to hurt me even more?"

"No! Of course not." she whispers, "I'm not with Nahko! I'm alone! Okay? Just like I have benn for the past five years! And I was not dirty dancing. I dance like that cause its fun!"

I stomp over to her and pin her against the wall. "Never do that again. You understand me? Only I'm allowed to be near you, no one else. It';s always been you Shai. I want you."

She looks me in the eyes and tilts her head to the side. "And what makes you think that I want you?" she whispers quietly.

I drop my hands and back away from her. Of course she doesn't want me. I never even let her talk .

"I'll leave." I mutter and make my way to the door. I turn the nob, but she puts her hand over mine. "Hey,"

"Look at me." she says. I can't look at her. I won't look at her. I look at her.

She grins widely and grabs the collar of my shirt with her hand and brings her lips up to mine. We kiss for a few minutes and then we start to get excited. I pin her against the wall again and take her shirt off. Her hands fumble at my belt and zipper and we make our way over to the bed. She pulls back and pushes me down on the bed.

We both grin. She likes taking control. Shailene walks over to the door and locks it. Then she runs over to me and we forget that anyone else exists.




This is right. It's not a mistake. This was supposed to happen.




xx WAHEY, I'll update soon!

RuthlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora