Chapter 3

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Shailene Point Of View

"That'll be one hundred and fifty seven dollars and Ninety cents." the cashier, Josh, says. He must be going through puberty, his acne suggests so.

"Geez, how much?" I ask.

He repeats the cost and I pull out two hundred dollars. Who knew booze cost this much.

I pay the kid and push the trolley out of the supermarket, making my way towards my car.

I'm bombarded by paparazzi as soon as my foot steps outside the door. They ambush me as usual with their questions and I ignore them, opening my trunk and loading up the car.

No doubt tomorrow on E News they'll have a segment about how I'm an alcoholic.

"How are you Shailene? Are you and Theo dating? Is it true you're responsible for his breakup? Did you sleep with him?"

My head snaps up at the last question and I can't stop myself. I snap at the middle age man with a giant ass camera in his hands.

"NO! I did not sleep with anyone! I didn't break anyone up!"

I get into my car and slam on the gas pedal, not forgetting to pull down the window and give the paparazzi the finger, so they have something to remember me by.

Fucking assholes.


I glance at the antique clock hanging on my white kitchen wall. 4:56. Theo should be here soon. On purpose, I told him to come at five, but I invited the rest an hour later so we could have at least an hour just to talk.

In that time I can hopefully get him somewhat drunk and maybe he can forget Ruth. Ew, even thinking her name makes my stomach churn, which is odd because as a teenager I always said that when I had a daughter, I'd name her Ruth. I think we can all agree that thats clearly not the case anymore.

I hate her.

Not because she dated Theo, like everyone assumes, but because she hurt him.

I'm just finishing making food in the kitchen when the doorbell rings. I wipe my hands on the tea towel, and turn down the volume of the tv. I was listening to mtv, shaking my butt to Talk Dirty. And I was.

I run to the front door and before opening it I look in the mirror. Oh crap. I didn't have time to get dressed, what with the Los Angeles traffic and the paparazzi at the store. And my hair is still greasy, I haven't washed it, and I stink of onions.

Oh, Well. I've looked worse.

I swing open the front door and grin. Theo stands there with a sad smile and a bouquet of roses in his hands.

"What's all this?" I say, throwing my arms around his neck. One of his hands, the one that isn't holding the flowers, finds it's way to my back, rubbing in small circles.

We stay like that probably longer than acceptable for two friends, and then he walks in.

"For you," he says. "My way of apologizing for being a complete shithead."

I smile.

We make our way to the kitchen and as I go back to making food at the counter, Theo sits lazily behind me at the kitchen table.

"So what's the occasion for the party?" he asks.

I look back at him over my shoulder. "No reason, really. Just felt like time is going by way too fast, and I really need to party" I say, dragging the end of the sentance out.

"It this what you usually wear when getting ready to party?"

I put on a poker face. "HA HA! So funny Theo! No. Just buying booze took longer than expected, and then cooking. I haven't had time to shower."

"You go, I'll finish."

I laugh. "Theo you can't cook. It's fine i'll be quick."

He frowns. "Nothing, and I mean nothing is done efficiently when it's rushed."

I put down the knife and stop chopping. "I said I'll do it."

He stands up and walks over to me. He stands right behind me, his chest pressed against my back, both his hands resting on either sided of the counter. His left hand barely touching mine. He whispers right into my ear sending chills down my body. "Go."

I turn around so that we're facing eachother. It seemed like a good idea, but now, considering the position we're in, not so much.

Theo's pinning me to the counter. My breathing hitches.

"Sorry about the break up." I mutter.

He leans closer to me, his face inches away. His eyes keep jumping from my eyes to my lips. "I'm not."

Holy shitballs. He's trying to kiss me! ME! This is not how I want things to be!

This is not how I want things to happen between me and Theo.

Sure, I want him. But not this way. No. He has to kiss me when he wants to. Not when he's upset after breaking up with his girlfriend and just looking for comfort.

I duck under his arms and walk backwards into the hallway. "Okay." it comes out more squeaky than I wanted it to. Thanks."

I run to my room and grab a towel. I then rush to the bathroom in need of cooling off.



Thank you yet again for reading! Unless you haven't figured it out just yet, I like to drag things out.

Please leave me a comment letting me know what you think, what you think is going to happen, and also what you want to happen. I take all that into consideration!

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