Chapter 16

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Guys I didn't sleep last night. The news that Shai and Nahko are dating were basically confirmed, and it's fair to say I cried. Oh course if Shai and Theo are happy with different people, that makes me happy. But sheo needs to happen! At least we have fourtris!

Anywho, on with the show!

Shailene Point of View

We're sitting in the car on our way to the hotel. I'm pretty sure someone said it's SoHo. Theo sits beside me. We're not speaking, we sit in silence but it's not an awkward silence.

My phone vibrates. I pick it up and look down. It's from my mom.

I got the tickets! You're off in a few weeks!!

I grin widely and that causes Theo to stick his head in my view and look down at the screen. "Tickets for what?"

He pulls back and I stare at him. "Nosy, much?" I ask. I text my mum back quickly thanking her. Getting those tickets wasn't easy.

"Seriously, tickets for what?" He keeps asking.

I sigh. "A music festival. In New Zeland. I really want to go and getting tickets wasn't easy. My mom worked her magic and managed to get me some."

He nods. He's about to say something but his phone rings interrupting. We're both sitting in the back seat and I don't want to stick my nose in his business. I scoot nearer the window and look at the view as we're speeding by. 

He answers the phone. "Hello?" 

I try not to listen in but it's basically impossible what with him sitting less than a mere meter away from me. 

"Ruth..hey. How are you?"

There's intense yelling on the other side. She's being loud. 

"Right, right!" he responds quickly. "Where am I? the car. We're driving down to...yeah, i said we...yeah she's here...from my moms house...what do you mean why? No...look she stayed the night, but nothing happened! She slept in the spare room downstairs....Look Ruth, she had no where else to go. What were we supposed to do, throw her out?"

Oh, crap. I've gotten in the middle of their relationship again. I knew that staying at their house wouldn't be a good idea. I knew Ruth would react this way if she found out. I tried to reason with them but his parents insisted...

Theo's voice is really loud now. The driver keeps looking back at us in the little mirror. I'm embarrassed. I slide down in my seat slightly.

"Hey don't say that about Natasha!" Theo yells into the iPhone. Then he calms down. "It's only a few days, Ruth. We've got the premiere tonight, then Copenhagen, and Germany and then New York. What? NO! No, of course not! Wha..because she's got her own hotel room! Well, I dont know what happened with the London one...Ruth! Just calm down."

They yell back and forth like that for another thirty minutes. Eventually I've had enough so I pull out my earphones and listen to music. It helps a little, but not too much. I can still hear them. Eventually they stop and he hangs up but not before telling her "I love you."

He grabs my hand to get my attention and I pull the earphones out. I take my hand away and he frowns. "What, I can't touch you now?"

I look down. This just sucks. "I think it's best if you don't."

He turns away from me and leans back closing his eyes. I look out the window.

"Hey," he says after a few minutes.I look at him sadly. "She said she'll be watching tonight."

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