Chapter 36

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Theo Point of View

I sit on the stool at the island in the kitchen of my new york apartment, poking at my bowl of cereal. I'm supposed to be eating, it's not happening.

My phone which is on the counter next to the bowl buzzes signaling a new message. I look down and see that it's from Ruth.

"Just picked up M. Be home soon x"

I sigh loudly. I'm tired of all this- facing people. Not that I don't like Mary Anna, I just don't like people at the moment.

I get up off the stool and decide it's time to get dressed. Not long till the funeral.


Ruth runs around the apartment frantically collecting random things and shoving them in her handbag.

Mary-Anna and myself stand in the doorway of the apartment waiting for her. Eventually, she runs up to us and we step out. Usually I would take the stairs, get some exercise in, but I'm not feeling it right now. It's been two weeks since the accident. Two weeks since my life changed completely.

Two weeks since I learned that I was going to be a father and two weeks since I lost my best friend.

The whole father thing had me so confused. According to Ruth, she was now four weeks pregnant, and according to both Google and my mother, she shouldn't be showing yet.

She wasn't ever completely flat in her abdomen, don't get me wrong she wasn't fat, but now her belly stuck out more than it should for barely four weeks.

I didn't question it though. I knew that doing so would only cause her to get mad at me and I had enough stress as it was.

I push the button and the three of us step into the elevator. We ride down in silence. As we step outside were immediately bombarded by paparazzi. Ever since the accident, the media has been crazier than ever.

I wrap an arm around Ruth and we basically sprint to the black car. The paparazzi take that as a sign of affection, when in truth all it is is me trying to hide her abdomen. I had asked, no begged, her not to wear a tight dress. She still did, I just didn't want the world to know just yet.

My breathing gets quicker as we step out of the car and make our way up the steps to the cathedral. I can't contain my emotions when we make our way to our designated pew, which happens to be the very first one, at the top of the church near the altar.

It's an open casket ceremony. She lays there, her eyes closed, so innocent, so young.

She should t have died. She didn't deserve it. I would be more than happy to take her place.

The old woman begins playing the organ and we stand up as the priest walks in.

It's time.

Her screams are blood curdling, heart wrenching. Beside me Ruth weeps. She obviously can't take anymore because she gets up and leaves, running to the car most likely.

I try to tear my eyes away from the sight but I can't.

I watch as her mother sobs over the casket, tears rolling down her face. No one deserves this. It should have been me. The time has come for the casket to be closed. Then we walk out and bury her. Forever gone.

The final goodbyes.


Ruthlessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن