Chapter 25

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Theo Point of View

Even before I'm out of the taxi I see her blonde head waiting outside. She has her arms wrapped around herself, shivering. New York is cold. She has an ashy grey coat and cream hat on, her hair down.

We pull up to the side of the road and I pay the driver, a fifty dollar bill. That's roughly how much it cost to get to here from JFK.

He runs out to grab my suitcase from the boot of the car and I take it off him. He mutters a goodbye and gets back in ready for his next customer.

I make my way over to her and she beams. I smile back.

This is her. This is the girl I fell in love with all those years ago. She's back.

"Hi Baby," she whispers and throws her arms around my neck. I hug her back and lift her off of the ground. I missed her.

"Hi Ruth,"

We make our way inside. The room is booked under her name. She's not famous, so people don't pay much attention to her name. It helps in situations like these, the annonimity is good. It's amazing knowing there are so many people who care and are fans of my work, but there are times when I want my privacy, time to just be me, and not Theo James the actor.

We step inside the elevator, we're not alone; an old woman with a walking stick stands in the corner muttering to herself paying not attention to Ruth or myself.

We press the button for our floor, forty six, and wait. The doors close and the lift accelerates.

Ruth laces my hand with hers and leans her body against mine. "I really missed you, you know."

"I know," I say smiling."I missed you too." Which isn't a complete lie. I did miss her, I love her. I just don't know if I'm in love with her anymore.

"Are you not on set today?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No, not today. We're wrapping next week, I just need to go back in tomorrow to shoot my final few scenes. It's all gone by so fast..."

She starts rambling on about her job but I don't really listen. My mind is focused on the test results. It was a pregnancy test so it could really only be one of two possible outcomes. Negative or positive.

Both Shai and I knew it was a possibility. And we suspected it. But now it's just confirmed...

"Theo, you listening?" Ruth asks. She looks at me quizzically.

The elevator has opened, the old lady gone.

I step out Ruth following me. I don't know which room we're in. She has the key.

"Yeah..sorry. I'm just really tired."

"Well flights from Germany to New York do tend to pull all your energy." she giggles. She opens the door to room 135b and we step inside. It's cozy enough. I take my coat and scarf off quickly and run into the bedroom. I plop down on the bed finally comfortable.

Ruth walks in and takes off her coat too, then her hat. It's only then that I notice it. "Did you cut your hair?"

She grins and runs a hand through her now blonde bob. "Yeah," Shes bouncing on her heels, clearly excited.

I don't say anything for a while. "Why?" I ask eventually.

She frowns. "You don't like it? You liked it when Shai cut hers so I thought I would too..."

"Ruth," I whine. "You don't have to compete with Shailene."

She throws her hands up in the air. "Well I feel like I do!"

I grab her and pull her towards me, she lands in my lap. I put a hand on her cheek. "Well you don't. You're great the way you are."

She pecks my lips and smiles. "Wait here! I have a surprise for you."

She disappears from the room and I lay flat on my back.

I'm here with my girlfriend I should be ecstatic. But as much as I missed Ruth all these days, it's nothing compared to how mu h I miss Shai right now, even though it's been less than three hours since I saw her last.

I'm tired as hell but still excited for the premiere tonight. The entire cast will be there. At the afterparty we can go crazy, I haven't seen most of them since we did the reshoots in December.

Miles and I met up in Los Angeles back in February, but that's pretty much it.

One thing I know for sure, I will be hammered tonight.

Ruth skips back into the room with what I would call I nervous smile plastered on. She sits on the bed cross legged with her hands behind her back. "Are you ready?"

I sit up so that my back is against the mahogany headboard. "Yes. I am ready."

She places a rectangular ribbon wrapped box in my hands.

I stare at it not sure whats happening. Im not forgeting an anniversary am I?

"Well go on, open it!"

So I do.

My mouth pops open and I gasp. I've been seeing too many of these lately.

I look at Ruth.She's smiling. Grinning even.

"What is this?" I ask.

"Ha! Come on it's obvious! See the two lines?"

I shake my head. What the fuck is going on?

"Ruth this isn't funny. Are you sure?"

She nods.

"Positively sure?"

She nods again.

"And you're saying that..." I can't finish the sentence.

She finished for me. "Yes. Theo, you're going to be a dad. We're having a baby!"

STOP! I already know you guys are gonna kill me! :D Plot twist or what?! Be honest, NONE of you were expecting that!

Ive now decided that I refuse to update until more people start commenting. Look I know what its like when youre reading, you dont wanna stop to comment youre to into the story. But Im stubborn, so I wont update till at least twenty different people comment on this.

Sorry for being bitchy.. :DD I love you all!!

xoxo Peace out!

RuthlessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ