Chapter 11

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This was written on my iPhone so excuse the many errors.

Theo point of view

"Wow! That was incredible!" Ruth gasps and collapses on the bed. She pulls the blanket over her breasts and stares up at the ceiling. We're in her apartment in New York. She's renting it while she's filming The Following.

After I drove Shai to the pharmacy after the livestream, I drove her home. She was cold towards me and I don't really blame her. I was surprised when she didn't punch me in the face. I would have if I was in her position. She got out of my car and bolted up the stairs to the front door. I waited outside for a few minutes hoping that maybe she'd come Back down- I don't know why she would- but she didn't. She was clearly desperate to use whatever was in that brown paper bag of hers.

Then as I was driving to my hotel room, Ruth called. She had a few days off and wanted me to fly out to New York for her. I talked to my publicist Kate, and she said it was alright since I didnt have to be around in LA for any events or appearances.

So I flew out and after a lot of sex here we are.

"Yeah," I mumble.

She turns on her side and props herself up on her elbow. "What, you didn't thinks so?"

I quickly answer, not wanting her to get into one of her moods. "No it was great."

She doesn't seem to buy it. I kiss her quickly. When I pull back she's smiling. "I missed you" I lie.

She collapses on my chest and starts yapping on about how turning 30 is a lot better than she thought.

I don't agree with her. Every single time I can't help but compare her to Shailene. Ruth's career is a total and utter failure compared to Shai's. Absolute shit.

As I'm laying next to her I can't help but think of why I'm with her. Shailene wanted to know but I couldn't tell her. The reason O went back to Ruth was because it just seemed easier. It was the shit option, because Ruth treats me like utter crap, but the easy option because of the history.

I want to be with Shai. I wasn't lying when I told her that I wanted her at her party, but I was just afraid that she'd be with me for a bit and then just get bored of me and move on.

I love her, of course I do. How the fuck could I not? And I do not love Ruth. Not in the slightest.

Then as I'm laying in bed with the woman who no longer means anything to me I decide what I'm going to do. I don't care if it's scary or not, I love Shailene and I need her. I'm going to tell her when I see her in two weeks time.


I watch the clock tick. I'm on the private jet rented to for me and Shai by summit entertainment that's flying us to London. This is it. I'm telling her today no matter what.

I can hear her outside and my heart rate speeds up. She makes me nervous but in a good way. I need to apologise for the way I acted. I'll do anything for her.

She steps onto the jet and my world lights up. She's perfect. People say that no ones perfect but they obviously haven't met Shailene. She is. Absolutely perfect.

I'm about to hug her and start apologising when another dude steps on board. Anger boils up inside me when he puts his arm around her, and I almost gauge his eyes out when his hand rests on her ass.

She sees my look and speaks up. "Theo,Adam- Adam, Theo"

He goes to shake my hand but I decline it.

"Who's this l, Shai?" I ask as politely as I can through gritted teeth.

"Adam's my boyfriend."

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