Chapter 15

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Watch the video. Its a fun little video. And comment what you think. Contrary to popular belief, I'm actually not a mindreader. Also this story has like 12.4k, and I don't know how that happened, so thank you to all of you. I just wanted to point out a few things to people at the very begining of this chapter.

No 1: Regarding the people I unfollowed on instagram who are now calling me a bitch. I said previously that I don't like Ruth Kearney (It's kinda obvious) so if your every second post is about how awesome and sweet she is, don't be surprised if I unfollowed. I don't like seeing her face cause it just wrecks my whole day.

No 2: Don't you DARE tell me what to write. Give your feed back sure, but dont have the nerve to tell me what I should or shouldn't have written.

And finally No 3: Please keep in mind that this is fiction so not all facts are true, hence why it's called fiction.

Now enjoy! I have the next 3 chapters planned out now I just need to write them up, I'll try not to wait so long in between updates. Love you all! And don't forget to comment!

Shailene Point of View

I've been awake since 4:30am. This is not good.

I had a dream. But it wasn't just an average dream. If it was I wouldn't be telling you about it.

I had a dream and I woke up crying. Not because I didn't like it, but because I wished so bad that it was real.

It was the Allegiant premiere and Theo and I were walking down the red carpet in London. I was so happy and he was smiling looking at me in that way that he used to before Ruth told him to stop. We walked and posed for pictures and laughed and he kept his arm around my waist, except a little higher, and then he screamed that he loved me so loud that everyone could hear...

A soft knock on the door makes me jump up to a sitting position. I wipe my eyes quickly and say "Come in,"

Jane pops her head in. "You up yet? I didn't wake you did I?"

"No," I say smiling. She's already dressed. I look at the clock on the nightstand. It says 6:48. "I just woke up a few minutes ago." Liar. I've been crying my eyes out for two hours.

"Right well, come in the kitchen. You need to get some breakfast, you're as thin as a stick."

She winks at me and closes the door. I sigh and pull myself together. I stand up and make the bed, then I walk into the adjoining bathroom. It's private, just for me. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I leave my hair down and I stare at myself in the mirror. 

I've never thought I was ugly, I definitely liked myself better with the longer hair but change is good. My best friend Nahko pointed out that I look cuter with the shorter hair but the only issue is that if you look cute you can't be sexy. And I need to look sexy right now. 

I continue looking in the mirror. Theo's a thirty year old man, he needs a woman not a girl. Ruth is that woman, she's thirty too. 

I put my hands on my head and run them down my face sighing loudly. I give up. I don't know how to look sexy.

I walk into the kitchen in nothing but my t-shirt and shorts and I stop in the doorway with my mouth hanging open.

"When'd this happen?" I ask laughing. Theo's mom runs around the kitchen making coffee, spreading butter on toast and chopping fruit.

"What? The food? I popped down to the market. Why do you not like food?" she looks at me quizically raising her eyebrows.

"No, I like food. I love's just, did you go this morning?" she nods. "It's not even seven!"

"Sleep is for the lazy! And the young..which reminds me my son is still not up. Natasha will you go wake him up? He and Shai have to leave in an hour and you know how long he takes."

I only just notice Natasha sitting at the small table in the corner. She's eating toast and reading a magazine. "Can't mum. I'm busy." she says not even looking up from her reading material. I notice it has Ruth and Theo on the cover.

I sigh and close my eyes. I cannot escape that blond witch no matter where I go.

"Doing what?" Jane asks.

"Enjoying my time alone." Natasha says. Jane rolls her eyes.

Natasha lives in Australia and she's enjoying her time alone. Her husband Dean and their three kids stayed at home. She's just here for the premiere as Theo's guest.

That reminds me I don't have a guest. I was supposed to bring Adam, but I think we can all agree that's not gonna happen. Who do I bring?

Jane sighs. "Fine, darling. Don't let me disturb you. Shai will you get him?"

My head snaps up. "Me?"

She nods. "Yeah."

"Umm.. I don't know if I should."

Jane puts her hands on her hips. "Why not? He doesn't bite."

Now I'm in trouble. I might as well be honest. "Umm..I just think Ruth might be a little mad, you know? She's the girlfriend. I don't think she'd appreciate me waking her boyfriend from his slumber." I'm trying to be funny. It's not working.

"Oh Ruth's sweet. She wouldn't mind..." Jane begins.

"Pfft! Yeah right. Ruth = sweet person. Well done mum!" Natasha interrupts.

"Natasha!" Jane scolds. "Stop that!"

"Stop what? Oh yeah sorry. Ruth is sweet and kind. That's true. And she's not a controlling bitch either." She looks at me with a not very convincing look and we both laugh.

In the end I decide to just go and wake him. His room is on the third floor, at the very top, his room at the end of the wooden corridor. It's almost as if his room is the attic.

I keep telling myself I'm overreacting that I'm not in love with him. And I think I might be right, but then I see him and it turns out I'm lying to myself.

I whispered his name, and when that didn't wake him, I shook him. Before his eyes snapped open he moaned and my name escaped his mouth. "Shai."

He was very confused to see me. I told him his mother forced me to and he assured me he wouldn't tell Ruth. I left him alone to get ready and went back down to the kitchen. I ate the breakfast chatting quietly to Natasha. When Theo came down his mother basically force-fed him and at eight o'clock the limo pulled up to the Taptiklis house. I said goodbye to them. I knew I would be seeing Natasha later tonight at the premiere but his parents I wouldn't see.

Natasha said she's bring my suitcase down to me so I didn't have to drag it around with me. I still needed to make a hotel reservation. Then we left for the day ahead filled with nosy interviewers and inappropriate rude photographers.

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