Lauren sat down on her legs and wrapped her arm around the little girl's shoulder. Both of them smiled big for the picture and as soon as Lauren heard the click of the camera, Lauren started tickling the little girl who was almost crying with laughter.

"Lauren are you ready to go?" Ally suddenly interrupted them with a gentle smile on her face, greeting the mother and the daughter. Lauren just nodded and after saying goodbye to all the people that were there to see her, she left walking next to Ally.

A few minutes later they met Normani and Dinah who were already there ready to enter the airplane. Camila arrived about five minutes later and both the drummer Derek and the pianist Christina arrived too.
They were all going on Lauren's new private jet. She was finally able to buy her own and she was so excited to fly on it for the first time.

About twenty minutes later the plane took off and they were all doing something that would keep them busy for the seven hours the flight would take.
They had left New York at 11 a.m. so they would probably arrive to Paris at 6 p.m. and they were all looking forward to meet the famous Paris.

Dinah was sleeping on her golden chair and Normani was right in front of her listening to music and appreciating the view from the little window.
Derek and Christina were playing one of those weird games people always play when they get bored while Ally was watching them, Camila was reading an huge book and Lauren was just sat there trying to think of something new to write about on her poetry book.

It was already 1 p.m. and everyone was getting hungry.
A young woman started giving everyone sandwiches and they were all more than happy to finally be able to eat something.
Lauren and the rest of the band were sitting on their places and they all looked super focused on their meals.

Two hours after they were all getting sick and tired of being inside of that thing.

"This is getting really boring over here." Dinah sighed as she placed her head behind on the chair.

"I'm getting sleepy and it's not even getting dark outside..." Camila complained too.

"Calm down girls, we're almost there..." Lauren interrupted the conversation that wasn't even a conversation not even taking her eyes off her book.

"Yeah... Almost... Three hours are definitely almost..." Dinah retorted. Lauren who was sitting right in front of Dinah leaned over and slapped Dinah's arm.

"Don't talk to me like that Dinah Jane!!!" Lauren told her playfully and Camila laughed at them.

"Yeah, don't talk to her like that..." Camila started defending Lauren "...Dinah Jane!" She tried as hard as she could to imitate Lauren's raspy tone of voice. Dinah started laughing as loud as she could and both Camila and Lauren joined her.

"Thank you for waking a girl up... I was dreaming about marrying Beyoncé..." Normani suddenly said showing them a sleepy face as she tried to straighten up again on her chair.

"Don't trip Man-Manz... Beyoncé would never marry you! She's already my wife!" Dinah teased Normani.

"Don't tell me you have a gay side like Mrs. Cabello..." Normani smirked at Dinah and Camila blushed.

"Like Mrs. Cabello?" Lauren suddenly asked. She looked kinda surprised even though she had nothing against it... It was actually quite the contrary.

"Yes... She kissed a girl and she liked it!" Normani answered Lauren playfully while Camila laughed at her joke.

"Well what Normani is trying to say is that I'm bisexual, Lauren..." Camila said between her laugh "I don't know if... I hope it's ok by you..."

"Oh no, I have no problem with it." Lauren quickly answered her. She still didn't mean to be friends with her but she didn't want Camila to worry about that because that would be mean. Camila smiled at the answer.

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