I placed a hand on his chest. “My mum and dad, they said…and when you…”

Harry’s eyebrows came together as he searched my eyes. “I am so sorry, Amabel. You have no idea. I will never forgive myself.” He kissed my hands all over, turning them around in his.

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. “I was going to come home.” I said simply.

Harry’s head snapped up. “What?”

“I was going to come home.” I repeated. “I wasn’t planning on staying here forever, you know.”

“Then why did you leave in the first place?” He asked a little too harshly, dropping my hands.

“Because I was confused, and needed a little time to think.” My voice rose a little.

“About what?” Harry snapped.

“Everything!” I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air. “It isn’t being Harry Styles’s girlfriend!”

His eyes widened. “Why didn’t you say something before?” he screamed and took a step back.

“I know you’re always so busy, a-and it’s not a big deal, Harry!” Tears stung my eyes. This was our first huge fight. We had fights before, but they were over little things, and we always made up right after. This was different.

“Obviously it is, if it’s making you this upset!” He spread his arms and looked at me like I was crazy.

“It’s not just that, Harry!” I screamed and threw my hands up again.

“What else is there?!” he ran his hand through his curls over and over. “You know what? I think I know. You’re screwing that bastard!” He pointed to the door.

“Andy?!” My jaw dropped. “I can’t believe you! I would never do something like that!”

“Oh please!  He is so obviously in love with you, Amabel! Have you seen the way he looks at you?” Harry bellowed, face going red with anger.

“You’re being an ass! He doesn’t love me, and I don’t love him, so leave it the hell alone, will you?” The thought of Andy and I together was ludicrous!

“Why should I believe you? Hu? How can I trust you, knowing that you ran away to live with some guy?”

“He isn’t some guy, Harry, and I’m not living with him! He was the only person I trusted when all this happened. Shit! What is your problem?” I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

“What the hell is yours?” He spat. “How do I know you’re not cheating on me?”

I closed my eyes, a single tear trickling down. “Because I'm in love with you!” I shouted, and regretted the words as soon as they came out. Harry stared at me with wide eyes and mouth open. I wiped away the tear and paused before started for the door.

But Harry stopped me. He grabbed my wrist and shoved me against the nearest wall, trapping me by having his body only centimeters from touching mine. My breath hitched in my throat as my heart beat increased. I could feel his hot breath on my face as he leaned in closer. His curls tickled my forehead as he forced our bodies together, leaving no space between us whatsoever. And then he crashed our lips together, hands holding my waist to keep me from escaping.

At first I didn’t kiss him back, but he bit my bottom lip, making me open my mouth so he could slip his tongue inside. My fingers tangled themselves in his hair, and his hands traveled to my backside, squeezing tightly, signaling for me to jump. I did, wrapping my legs around his waist. Once again, my back was slammed to the wall as our lips moved in sync. I played with the little hairs on the back of his neck, causing him to release a throaty moan. Eventually, we had to breathe, so he pulled away, but kept our foreheads touching. Our breathing was quick, chests rising and falling rapidly.

Back For You (Harry Styles)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ