Chapter 145

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I had clearly chosen the more mature of the two options after I got home from the hospital.
I sent Adeline to stay with my mom until I could "get back on my feet"

Leaving me alone after assuring Noel I'd be fine on my own, to...indulge; I made my way down to a bar up the street and sat at one of the stools ordering myself a beer.


It was dark out the front windows of the pub as I drained the last of my fourth glass and the bar had gotten increasingly more busy since I'd walked in a couple of hours ago.
I sighed bringing a fresh cigarette to my lips and lighting it; the bartender looked at me concerned as I tapped the ashes into a nearby ashtray.

"Y'alright love?" He asked as he grabbed bottles from the cooler at his waist

I nodded knowing the drill of the bartender, he didn't really care, the more I talked, the more I drank and the more money he made and the bigger the tip; I had learned that while working at the Truck Stop years ago.

"I'm fine"

"Can I get y'anythin' else?"

I thought for a minute and then I nodded "A shot of tequila"

He nodded and walked to the other end of the bar

I wondered what Liam was doing, I looked around the bar not recognizing anyone. Why the fuck did I care about Liam? He was probably back in New York by now with Lisa and his new daughter; he didn't give a shit about me or Adeline...

The bartender returned with a salt shaker, a lemon wedge and poured my shot.

The liquid burned as it slid down my throat and I slammed the empty shot glass back on the bar top.

I paid for my drinks and got off my stool testing my balance before I zipped up my jacket and made my way outside.
I walked up the street back towards the house


I got home letting myself in, finding the house dark and completely empty.

I walked through the dark house and to the bedroom shoving the door open and flipping the light on.

I jumped when I realized Liam was sitting on the end of the bed.

"Jesus Christ, Liam" I rolled my eyes "What the fuck are you doing in here?!"

"If I called would y'have answered?"


"Y'haven't seen the baby in a fuckin' week an' a half, what the hell 'ave y'been doin' 'ere by yourself?!"

"That's none of your fucking business anymore!" I yelled "Get the fuck out of my house!

"Still my 'ouse as much as it is yours, love"

"No, it isn't, Liam, that's the beauty of a fucking divorce!"

"We ain't divorced, we're separated"

"Exactly, separate " I stressed "Therefore, not your house..."

"So when we're y'gonna tell me?"

I frowned "Tell you what?!"

"You're still fuckin' usin'....a hell of a lot too from the looks of the nightstand drawer..."

"You went through my stuff?"

"Our" he corrected "Didn't find much though, just a few empty baggies an' some pot"


"Y'know what's gonna 'appen if the court fin's out you're lyin'?" He asked

"About what?"

The Girl In The Dirty Shirt Liam VersionWhere stories live. Discover now