Chapter 137

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Liam has yet to learn the definition of patience.
We went to dinner at our favourite burger restaurant and it was like we had just started dating again; he held my hand over the table and played with my feet under it.

I giggled picking at my fries “You’re anxious…”

“I told you, y’can’t look like that an’ expect me not t’do anything about it”

I bit down on my lip and raised my eyebrows at him “What are you gonna do about it?”

“You don’t want me to do that here” he said shaking his head

“Lost your nerve?” I teased as we got up from the table after Liam paid the bill

He grabbed my hand and led me outside to the sidewalk.

I barely had time to take a breath before Liam pulled me against him, giving me an aggressive kiss.
I took a breath when we finally separated, giggling to myself at the obviously uncomfortable people walking past.

A crack of thunder sounded over our heads and it immediately started to pour, soaking both of us through to the skin.

I pulled Liam into the closest ally, down as far as we could go, and it didn’t take long for him to get the hint…

He pressed against me, pinning me to the brick wall where it met in the corner, his hands pulling my jeans open, as his mouth found my neck.
I moaned into his neck, my own fingers working to pull open the button on his jeans. The jagged bricks jabbed into my back as Liam pushed me harder into the corner before lifting me off my feet completely.
I wrapped my legs around his waist as much as the wet denim would allow; both of us laughing at how difficult this had become with the added factor of rain…

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned back into the corner still laughing as I shook my head.

“I can’t do this…” I laughed “I’m sorry, babe, but this just isn’t sexy…”

“What?” He asked with a laugh over the noise of the rain “Almost drowning during sex doesn’t do it for you?”

I shook my head as he let me down “Not when I know I look like a drowned rat, no”

We put ourselves back together and made it to the shelter of the car before we could speak at a normal volume again.
I sighed pushing the wet hair off my face, all the curls had been washed out of it; my jeans, shirt, and jacket, clung to every bit of my skin, making it difficult to move.

“Some date night…” Liam muttered pushing his own hair back out of his face.

“The night isn’t over yet” I smiled


We got home, and Liam having obviously not been derailed by the rain ruining our previous plans, wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck as I unlocked the door to get into the house.
As soon as I stepped over the threshold, he turned me around to face him, pulling my jacket off in the same movement before his lips found mine.

I kissed him back, pulling apart only long enough for him to pull my t-shirt over my head and drop it on the kitchen floor before guiding me deeper into the house.
In spite of myself, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the first night that Guigs had spent with me; Liam and I were tracing almost the exact path now that we had that night.

I pushed the thought from my mind and started to help Liam out of his own clothes; leaving a sopping wet trail as we went.

I gasped with surprise as Liam kicked my feet out from under me, causing me to fall backwards on the couch.
I pulled him down on top of me, kissing him aggressively, like he had on the sidewalk outside the restaurant.
He only moaned when I trapped his bottom lip between my teeth. This was my last stitch effort to try and save my marriage. If Liam didn’t find me attractive anymore, there was nothing I could do, but we had been through way too much for me to just give up and willingly hand him over to someone else.

The Girl In The Dirty Shirt Liam VersionWhere stories live. Discover now