Chapter 133

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Christmas was uneventful, Addie's first and she got spoiled.
New Year’s Eve was a train wreck, much like the rest of my life at the present moment. Liam and I were at each other’s throats as far as I was concerned he couldn’t leave for tour soon enough. He was back in the mind set of “I have a tour so you have to take care of the baby all the time” It obviously didn’t matter to him that I was going back to work starting in the new year; thank Christ I wasn’t going on the road though,

Lucky me, I was back at work on the fifth, leaving Liam home with Adeline during the day; which, naturally, I heard about as soon as I stepped in the door at six.
How was he supposed to get ready for the tour and watch the baby at the same time? How was he supposed to go to the studio?

Welcome to parenthood, Liam.

He left for the States on the seventh and the morning of was an absolute disaster.

I sighed exasperated with Addie on my hip holding her bottle in one hand and trying to inhale my own breakfast before I was late for work.

I sighed taking Addie’s empty bottle from her and throwing it in the sink, I didn’t have time to deal with it at the moment. I got her all bundled up and buckled in her car seat before pulling on my own coat as Liam finally came down the stairs.

I just glared at him pulling my car keys of the hook by the door. “Might want to kiss your daughter goodbye, since you won’t see her for the next month”

“I’m workin’, Ly!” He yelled “It ain’t like I’m goin’ for the ‘ell of it!”

“I didn’t say you were, a month is just a hell of a long time to be away from your family Liam, are you actually going to call this time?!”

“Course I am!” he yelled before turning to take Addie from her car seat.

“Well you didn’t last time so,” I muttered “Got a girlfriend in the States that I don’t know about?”

“For fuck’s sake” he turned around and glared at me “Are we startin’ with that shite again?!”

“Well, I haven’t had sex with you since September and I know you can’t be going that long without it”

“I ain’t the one who can’t keep ‘er fuckin’ legs closed”

“Yeah,” I nodded sarcastically “I’ve had lots of opportunity to sleep around, what with going to work all fucking day and then coming home to take care of the baby while you’re passed out on the couch; lots of time, Liam, not to mention the office is full of women” I nodded “That’s how I got my job back you know, gave Maggie the night of her fucking life”

“Piss off” he rolled his eyes

I scoffed with a laugh “Well, come on Liam, be serious; you think I’m going to sleep with McGee?”

“Wouldn’t surprise me” he muttered

“You can go fuck yourself”

The doorbell rang from the living room and I just sighed dropping my purse and keys on the counter to go answer it.

“Maybe that’s Guigs coming for his morning quickie,” I called behind me “I told him you’d be gone by seven”

I pulled the front door open and to my surprise it was Guigs….oh great.

“Mornin’ babe” he beamed

“Don’t even talk to me” I muttered letting him in

He frowned closing the door behind him and following me into the kitchen “What’s the matter?”

The Girl In The Dirty Shirt Liam VersionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora