Chapter 128

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The next morning I woke up and Liam was asleep in a chair with his arms folded.

It had started to sink in that we were parents and the more I thought about it, the more freaked out I got.

We got home with Adeline, already affectionately nicknamed Addie. There were tons of paparazzi at the house which just added to my freak out.

We got in the house without incident and I jumped when I realized someone was in the kitchen


"Hi love" she smiled "How are you feeling?"

"I feel great" I smiled

"She's a fuckin' wreck Mam" he said putting the car seat on the counter

"Watch your mouth!" Peggy snapped at him

"Wha?" He asked looking at the baby "She's a day old, she ain't got a clue what's goin' on"

"I'm not a wreck" I rolled my eyes "I'm at this"

"It's natural to be nervous about having kids, Liam"

"You'll be alright if I take a shower yeah?"

I nodded "I think I'll manage for ten minutes"

He nodded giving me a kiss before he disappeared upstairs.

Peggy hung around for a cup of tea sitting with me and Addie in the living room.

I watched her sleep with my cup between my hands.

"She's so tiny" I said quietly

"Not for long" Peggy smiled

I looked at her setting my mug down. "Do you think I can do this?"

"Of course you can love, why wouldn't you be able to?"

"Because I'm a mess, I can't even take care of myself"

"Lyla...." she looked at me with a faint smile, but before she could continue, Liam burst into the room in a pair of jeans and no shirt with wet hair.

"You'll be fine, Ly"

"What about when you're not here?"

"You've got the Mam's an' Sally"

"You'll be just fine, love, I promise" Peggy smiled before standing up. "I noticed you didn't have any nappies, I'll run t'the shops and pick you up some; do y'need anything else?"

I shook my head "No, thank you"

She nodded and left before I turned to Liam who was just about to take Addie from her bassinet.

"Don't!" I whispered harshly "Just let her sleep"

"I ain't gonna do nothin', I jus' wanna hold 'er"

"Just let her sleep, if she's asleep I can sleep"

"Ly you're bein' ridiculous, she's not gonna wake up"

He picked her up and almost immediately she stirred and started wailing.

I sighed dropping my arms to my sides and glared at him.

He just smiled weakly at me before bouncing her gently for thirty seconds, which only seemed to make her cry harder; and then he gave up handing her to me.

"Just go finish getting dressed" I muttered rocking her gently. 

I was already so tired and I just wanted to sleep.

'Are y'sure?" He asked

"Just go"

I paced the living room bouncing her in my arms and nothing was helping; I tried feeding her, but she wouldn't eat.

The Girl In The Dirty Shirt Liam VersionWhere stories live. Discover now