Chapter 123

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Christmas day was spent at Mom and Sally's new house.

I loved my mom, but our family was the type that had an open door, which meant anyone and everyone was invited anytime; much to my dismay, this meant Meg was invited...and she came.

Fortunately there were enough people around to avoid talking to her at all.

I noticed Sally hadn't said two words to Mom all day either.

I followed her into the kitchen putting dirty dishes in the sink.

"What's wrong with you?"

She turned around and frowned at me "What?"

"Why aren't you talking to Mom?"

"I am..."

"Sal, you haven't said more than ten words to her all day"


"So, what's going on?"

We both looked up as someone came in; Liam smiled


"Can you give us a sec?"

He frowned but nodded

"What did Mom do?" I asked looking back at Sally.

"Forced me to move here because of your stupid baby" She glared at me

"And took you away from your deadbeat boyfriend" I finished

"We talk"

"Does Mom know?"


"I'll bet she does" I laughed folding my arms over my chest

"She doesn't"

"Do you pay the phone bill?"

She frowned "What?"

"How long have you been calling him, since you got here in September?"

She nodded "Yeah..."

"You get a phone bill once a month Sally," I laughed "Do you know how expensive it is to call Canada from here?"

She looked at me completely white faced.

"Mom's not an idiot Sally; she's just trying to protect you"

"By making me move around the fucking world?!"

I snorted with a laugh "That's a bit dramatic, you moved to Europe, not Australia"

"Whatever Ly!" She yelled "You didn't have to leave all of your friends on another continent!"

I scoffed "Excuse me?!" I yelled "At least you have family, I moved here completely on my own!"

"By choice Ly, that's not my fault!"


Liam, Noel, and Mom came into the kitchen and I rolled my eyes and pushed between them.

"Unfuckingbelievable" I muttered before I looked at Noel "What the hell do you care what's going on, go be with your wife"

"Lyla!" My mom looked at me

"I really don't care, mom" I sighed and walked out.

Liam followed me out to the spare bedroom. "Babe, c'mon"

"Why are they even here?" I sighed turning to look at him "I moved here to be away from them and now they live across town!"

"LyLa your mam just cares about you, jus' like y'said t'Sally"

"I can take care of myself!"

"Y'can't even put on your own shoes, babe"

"Can you be on my side please?"

"I am on your side, babe" he laughed

"Can you act like it?"

"It's Christmas Ly, can we just get-"

"I can't stand Meg being here, Sally's being a cunt and I just want to go home and be sick in my own bathroom, okay, please?"

He sighed and nodded "Alright, jus' let me say goodbye t'Mam, yeah?"

I nodded "I'll be in the car"

I got my coat from the back bedroom and slipped out the back door and walked around the front of the house to the car; cursing the blowing snow the whole time.

Liam came out a few minutes later and climbed behind the wheel. "Mam sends 'er love" he commented, starting the car.

"We'll make it up to both of them; I just can't stand being in that house anymore"

"Thought y'said y'were gonna be ill"

"If I stayed there any longer I would have been"

He sighed pulling into our driveway "Damn it Ly"

"What?" I snapped "You hate Meg as much as I do; I was doing you a favour!"

"It has nothin' t'do with 'er!" He yelled unlocking the door "Would've been nice t'see our family for more than an hour"

"Well excuse me, I didn't know you were such a family man, you can't stand being around Noel for more than that long any other time" I rolled my eyes "Plus you're being a little dramatic, it was more than an hour"

"That's not the point, Ly!"

"Then what is the point?" I asked dropping my purse and keys on the counter "Because I was under the impression it was about our families"

He just sighed exasperated and stomped out of the kitchen. "Forget it"

I followed after him quickly shaking my head. "No fucking way, you started this now finish it!"

"Just would've been nice Ly, that's all I'm sayin'" he muttered as he kept walking.

"Did you ever think maybe I wanted to spend some time alone with you?!" I yelled

He spun on his heel, stopping me in my tracks. "Y'JUST SAID IT WAS BECAUSE Y'DIDN'T WANT T'BE AROUND MEG ANYMORE!" His blue eyes were blazing with anger. "DON'T Y'FUCKIN' LIE T'ME AN' TELL ME IT'S BECAUSE Y'WANTED T'SPEND TIME WITH ME!"

I slapped him hard across the cheek glaring back; then I felt a hot sting across my cheek. 

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