Chapter 122

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Liam had been in the studio for two weeks and I was in the offices at Creation sitting behind a desk.

Starting in June they would be on the road again; lucky for me I'd be at home with a new-born, so no tours.

The next couple of months it was all the same; they were in the studio, I was at the office and blowing up like a balloon with every passing day.

It was the end of November and I was twenty weeks pregnant and hating every second.

There was a knock on Maggie's office door and I looked up to see Meg.

"Maggie's in a meeting" I muttered reminding myself I was at work and couldn't be as rude as I'd like to be.

"I came to see Noel"

"The door has Maggie's name on it, not Noel's"

"I know that," she glared at me "Maggie is his assistant"

"She's his tour manager"

"And you're here why?"

"I'm her assistant, what do you want?"

"To see Noel"

"He's not here"

"Where is he then?" She snapped

"At the studio recording, doesn't he tell you things?" I asked "Liam tells me everything"

"Good for you"

"Can I give Noel a message for you?" I asked sweetly as someone walked by behind her.

"Just tell him we're leaving for Vegas tomorrow" she glared

I blinked "Vegas?"

"Yes," she sneered "Not that it's any of your business, but we're getting married"

"In Vegas," I muttered trying to hide my shock "Classy"

"It was his idea"

"Sure it was" I nodded

"Just tell him" she snapped before she walked away.

"He likes the Bellagio!" I yelled after her; I had to get in one last little dig before I called Liam at the studio.

I argued with Owen for a few minutes before he finally gave Liam the phone, I could practically feel Noel's death glare through the phone.

"Hi babe, I thought you were workin'"

"I am, I called from Maggie's office; guess who was just here"



"Meg, what the hell for?"

"She came to see Noel"

"The fuck would he be there for? We're recordin'"

"I know, she came to tell him they're leaving for Vegas tomorrow morning"

"Vegas, fuckin' 'ell, what for?"

"To get married"

"MARRIED, IS HE FUCK!" He yelled before he slammed the phone down and it disconnected

I laughed to myself hanging up; my job was done.


Liam came home late that night and was still fuming about Noel going to Vegas.

"He's fuckin' mental, Ly" he yelled and I sat in a chair watching him stomp around the kitchen. "We're in the middle of recordin' a fuckin' album!"

The Girl In The Dirty Shirt Liam VersionWhere stories live. Discover now