Chapter 132

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Two more nights at Earl's Court and another two in Birmingham before Liam had some time off and we had a late birthday celebration on his first night off.
Then he was gone again before I could blink; New York this time, but only for four days.

He came home and the rest of the month was ours.

Every day I thought again and again about what Guigs had said; Don't feel guilty, you have no reason to
I tried bringing it up over and over, but something always came up before I got the chance.
The next thing I knew it was the second of November and Liam was leaving...again.

I stood on the porch with Liam, Adeline in his arms; Guigs was standing at the foot of the stairs waiting patiently. Part of me wondered if he even remembered saying what he did.

Liam passed Addie to me giving me a final kiss before he left.
I stood on the porch and watched them leave through the gate before going back inside.


He called this time, but still didn't come home on his days off and after what Guigs had said, that worried me more than I'd like to admit.

It wasn't until his gigs in Manchester in the middle of December that I actually saw him; and that was only because I surprised him by showing up.
They had three gigs at Wembley after that and then were off for Christmas holidays.

The night before we were supposed to go to Peggy's, Liam stumbled in piss drunk; followed not only by Alan, (they had been practically inseparable since Alan joined the band) but Guigs too.

I sighed a little more than mildly irritated when they stumbled into the kitchen like a heard of fucking elephants.
I turned around and glared at them, Liam just leaned on Alan laughing hysterically.

"Wha's you're problem then?" He asked looking at me.

"Where the fuck have you been?!"

"I told y'I was goin' down t'the pub with the lads"

"No, you didn't; you haven't been home in weeks, it's two days before Christmas; you should be at home!"

I rolled my eyes as he stared at me blankly.

"I just got Adeline down for the night, if you wake her up, I swear to god, Liam"

"I ain't gonna fuckin' wake 'er, don't get your knickers in a twist"

I sighed annoyed shaking my head and turning back to the sink. "I fucking hate it when you drink"

"I'm on fuckin' va-"

I spun on my heel pointing a finger at him. "Finish that fucking sentence and I'll divorce you"

He scoffed with a laugh "Y'will not"

"Try me, Liam, I dare you" I glared "All of you, either shut the fuck up and go pass out somewhere or get the fuck out"

"Awe babe c'mon" Guigs started "We were jus' 'avin' a few drinks"

I turned my attention to him "You and Alan can drink all you want, I don't really care what you do, but Liam has a wife and daughter at home" I looked at Liam "So start acting like it"

I pointed my finger at Guigs "And don't call me babe; now go, all of you"

Before I could even turn all the way around, Liam shot off his mouth.

"Mus' be 'ard wired in your brain t'be a cunt, aye?"

"Must be hard wired in your brain to be a prick" I muttered.

"Fuck off" he snapped

"Eat me, Liam"

"Y'offerin'?" He asked

The Girl In The Dirty Shirt Liam VersionWhere stories live. Discover now