Chapter 119

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All of the colour drained from Liam's face and I stood up, I thought for sure he was going to pass out.

"Babe?" I asked quietly touching his arm "Are you okay?"

"A-are you sure?"

I nodded "It's positive" I whispered afraid to speak any louder than that.

He turned around and walked out without a word.

I followed him out and down the stairs to the kitchen and kept my distance watching him pace; he had gotten super quiet and that worried me...a lot.

He opened the fridge, stared into it before he closed it again before opening the freezer; I watched as he closed it and went to the cupboard and pulled out a box of crackers.

He stopped dropping them on the counter and just stood staring at the wall.

"Liam?" I asked quietly

I jumped when he threw the box across the kitchen and slammed his hands down on the counter.

"Damn it, Ly!" he yelled "Are you sure?"

I walked in and stood next to him he just looked at me and he looked...scared

"Are you alright?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.

"Are you sure?" He asked again

"Yes Liam, I'm sure; what's wrong?"

"Are you sure that this time?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow

"Sure that what?" I frowned a little confused

"That it's gonna..."

I paused. "Gonna what, Liam?!" I shouted, already knowing exactly where he was going.

"That this time it'll be alright, y'know", he mumbled. I could tell he felt like shit for that, but it did nothing for my anger.

"It's my entire fucking fault, isn't it?" I screamed, tears already burning my eyes. "It's my fault that the baby didn't make it and it's my fault that things have been so hard and it's my fault that you couldn't have been a better father than your own anyway!"

I really don't know why I brought up Liam's father, but I was so angry, I think I was just looking for whatever might hurt him the most. Was it too early to blame this on pregnancy hormones?

I sighed heavily, looking at Liam's face. It was completely blank.

"I'm sorry" I said quietly "I didn't-"

"Didn't what Ly?!" He snapped "Mean t'tell me I'm a deadbeat like my own Dad?!"

"I didn't say-!"

"Y'didn't 'ave to!" He yelled

"Liam!" I yelled after him as he went to walk out of the kitchen.

I jumped when his fist made a crater in the wall.

I sighed rolling my eyes as he walked out.

"Yeah, this is a great world to bring a baby into" I muttered

He turned around and glared at me. "Guess we can find out if y'have this baby"

"If?!" I yelled; I turned and grabbed the first thing I could see on the counter that wasn't a knife; glass lemon reamer. I threw it as hard as I could. It smashed on the door frame a few inches from his head. "GET OUT!"

He looked at the smashed remains of the reamer on the floor and looked back at me. "Great place for a potential baby" he muttered


The Girl In The Dirty Shirt Liam VersionWhere stories live. Discover now