Chapter 142

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The remaining weeks were just as hard as I expected them to be; one night after Liam had come back from Mexico City, I got a surprise visit from Noel and he was pissed.

"Noel, I really don't care if you're mad at him, it's not my fucking problem..." I sighed mashing Addie's banana "We're separated, remember? If he's being a cunt that's your problem"

"It is your fucking problem, because he's refused to do the rest of the tour for the fucking year!"

I frowned putting the bowl down in front of Addie in her high chair and turning to look at him . "How the hell is that my problem?!"

"He's takin' the fuckin" time off t'impress you!"

"Why the hell would that impress me?!

"How the fuck am I supposed t'know?!"

"He's a grown ass man Noel, I can't control what he does; even less so now that we're separated!" I yelled. "If he wants to fucking impress me he can have more than a twenty four hour period where he's sober for fuck's sake!"

"He won't do that because you won't let him see her" he said nodding towards Addie.

"Not when he's drunk, no, and I can bet the courts would agree with me!" I yelled "And if you were in my shoes and it was Meg, what would you think then?!"

"Lyla, I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just tellin' you what he said"

"You are though," I countered "You're telling me it's my fault that you have to cancel the rest of the year because he refuses to do it..."


"I'll start being impressed when he takes her for more than an afternoon and gets up with her at three in the morning when she's hungry or because she has a fever or just because she's cranky and he can't get her back down until five and by then it's too late to go back to bed because he has to start getting ready for a twelve hour day at the office and then he gets to pick her up from my mom's at ten o'clock that night to bring her home and do it all over again. He takes her for the afternoon, Noel; the worst thing he has to deal with is maybe a dirty diaper,maybe. Sorry but bailing on your band doesn't impress me."


I frowned, turning to look at him as he leaned against the door frame with his arms folded.


He shook his head "Nothin', just don't think I've ever seen y'have this kind of an approach t'anything before..."

"What kind of an approach would that be?" I asked cleaning off Addie's hands before taking her from her chair.

"A mature one..."

I frowned at him as I put Addie on the floor, who immediately started to scream until I picked her back up again.

"Fuck you, I can be mature"

He snorted with a laugh and took Addie from me so I could clean up. "I've never seen it...."

"That's because you're an asshole" I smiled sweetly.

He scoffed looking at Addie who was amusing herself with the ring on his finger.

"Y'see how she talks t'your Uncle Noelie?" He asked her

I laughed a little drying my hands "I thought you hated when people called you that..."

"Well, she's my favourite niece; she's exempt from the rule"

"She's your only niece" I pointed out

"Not anymore she ain't, Lisa's just 'ad 'er baby, remember?"

The Girl In The Dirty Shirt Liam VersionWhere stories live. Discover now